and on the laptop (or else I'd be on WoW since people are sleeping)
enjoy some quizzes:
Which Horrible Affliction are you?A Rum and Monkey disease. -
Which Survivor of the Impending Nuclear Apocalypse Are You?A Rum and Monkey joint. -
Today was really boring
I got out of bed for the Superbowl
I feel tired and frustrated - school's gonna be in four hours.
I'm so hungry
Last night I had to watch some lessons for class. Even though I didn't.
I want to tell the world to get fucked.
I am doing this because I'm bored.
Today, I got a digital camera! Yes! Here's ten thousand photographs of my cat.
I want to say thanks to the academy for giving me this award.
I went to the doctor yesterday, and he said that I .. don't have bipolar disorder. roflofkeajlololol FUCK YOU. (He said I didn't.) And bipolar disorder.
You should all do this quiz! It's amazingly accurate. You just put in your name and birthday, and it will tell you you're a moron.
That's enough for now. But I'll leave you with this thought - sharing your life with strangers on the internet is the cheapest form of therapy available. Leave a comment and tell me I'm beautiful.
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Rum and Monkey ----
I think I update this too much.
need to stop posting so much directionless shit. :l
Partially sure the knowledge of me dancing randomly isn't important. ._.
blahblah. /end emo.