Fanfiction: Moments

Dec 26, 2009 01:31

*Looks around* well~ I'm not too sure if anyone still checks in here, but I'd like to leave this link here all the same.

What startet out as an innocent little snippet morphed into something that went a little out of my control, but well... what can you do, when the bunny bites?

Short explanation: 'Moments' is a collection of, well, moments and situations (obviously, since it is a fanfic, I know) with a number of 'Siennes. For now it starts out with Yan and Miki, but others will follow in time.

Title: Moments 01
Author: kaori_maxwell
Beta: noctuabunda
Rating: PG (for now)
Pairing: Anju Mira/ Maya Miki (for now)
Disclaimer: I definitely don’t know them, nor own them. I don’t make money with this and as far as I know, the things described here never happened.
Archive: oddslash
Summary: Some things have to grow over time.

Let's do the time warp again!
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