One more hour of class, then...........a week of nothing. What am I going to do with myself!?! I'm always too lazy to make spring break plans. But this time, I think I will go home, work, make some $$$ for some future weekend trips, relax, etc. Basically, everything I do normally, except no homework. I've already worked ahead in a few classes, so it's similar to having 2 weeks of spring break. =)
I'm either getting picked up today or tomorrow, depending on which parent is in the nearest vicinity... My dad is on his way home from Florida, so getting me is a little out of the way, but we'll see. I need to get some major laundry done this weekend.
My room is so full of Mike's stuff, it's almost like having a double instead of a single... He left his computer here due to a lack of trustworthy roommates (I don't blame him at all..if I had a fancy purple computer I would hide it too =P ) but we networked ours together so I can watch his movies and listen to his music, and he can remote admin his stuff from home. We are such dorks. Here's a pic of the setup.... except eventually we got a second chair so we could both write papers at the same time haha.
I know it's blurry but my camera batteries were dying so I can't use the flash. Bleh.
Last night Ash and I got weirdly nostalgiac for early 90s hip-hop. Hahaha...yeah. I decided I like Eazy-E more than I previously thought. =) I'm sure my neighbors are confused about my music tastes, cause they change from week to week. It went from mellow Simon and Garfunkel and the Notwist to hardcore techno and old school
Aggggh it's snowing again. Ok I need to finish some astro homework that I've been putting off all week, then it might be a good idea for me to pack since I don't know the when I'm getting picked up. Here's to the start of a long, probably lonely week. But I'm excited to go see Tyne and everything =) so that will be fun. Bye bye.