Challenge #07 (Lewd Bits)

Aug 16, 2008 15:30

Wow, I'm really bad at this. However, I *will* be getting things back on track at this community, I promise!

Meanwhile, a reminder about the current challenge: it's to write a sex scene in which some other information is conveyed. Characterisation, plot point, clue, whatever. You may write the 'missing' sex scene from one of your own stories (or from any story on the 'permission granted' list), or an original scene. Just make sure we find out something more than 'these two* are getting it on'.

So far, only bossymarmalade has written something - how about a few more?

The challenge deadline is next Sunday (24th), after which we'll try and discuss what was written, or why more wasn't. Then, new challenge for the beginning of next month.
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