(no subject)

May 24, 2005 16:32

SO! My life feels like it's entirely full right now. I feel like if someone asked me to jump 6 inches off the ground...it would be too much for me, and I would explode. SO! Here's what's been going on. 2 weekends ago we went to Sedona(which I posted about) and had a great time.

Last weekend(this past one)...we went to LA. I don't know how to describe what I saw other than horribly depressing and sad. Like....I wanted to go..and I'm glad I went, cause I wanted the experience. But unless I knew we were doing something fun all weekend...or going to a nice area outSIDE of LA....I wouldn't go again. I took some pictures. Hopefully I will get the developed tonight and will get them posted. Friday night....we were pulling into the hotel, and I saw someone sleeping on the side walk. We get inside the hotel and I'm thinking...maybe tomorrow will be better. I look out the window down at the street...and I see a hooker standing on the corner. I'm thinking...ok...this is a big city...not that bad. It was horrible. The next morning...Rachelle came and got me....and brought me downtown to walk around whlie she was in class. I can't even describe to you...how nasty and disgusting it was. Maybe I just saw the bad parts...but we roamed around a bit. Anyway...I'll talk more about that when I get the photos back. We went to downtown LA(which was where we were the majority of the time), Hollywood, Gay Hollywood(aka West Hollywood), and Santa Monica. I don't regret it by any means...but it was a long trip. I thought it was going to be relaxing...it was far from it. I walked many miles up and down streets...waiting for Rachelle to get out of class. Had to get up early in the morning on Sunday...cause we had to check out of the hotel...and Rachelle had her last class.

Now. I got no sleep whatsoever last night because our cat has taken a liking to fucking with me while I sleep. I don't know why...she won't bother Rachelle, just me. She licks my face...hands. She nudges under my chin. Purrs beside my head(in my ear)...and lays her body around my head. And in all this...she is NEVER STILL! So....tonight she is not sleeping in the bedroom. I was so tired from coming home late last night and then the cat not letting me sleep...that I was 30 minutes late to work. Like..the alarm didn't even wake me...and that's very odd. I normally never miss it. WHEW!

So....this next weekend, I'm not doing a fucking thing. I'm laying in the pool all weekend. Rachelle is doing the same. I think we've both been pushed to our limit. I don't want to do anything. PLUS! We will have a 3 day weekend. Thank God!

The weekend after that...my mom is coming. I'm so stoked...so the week of May 31st....I will work 2 days, and then my parents are coming. I'm so stoked. This is the jist....this will be a long post...so I'm trying to cut it down a little bit. I'll write more about everything later. Time to get off work!
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