Oct 24, 2011 08:48
Stolen truck in our parking lot...again. They are easy to tell, they usually have smashed up driving columns. We haven't had one in a while, but we usually average about 5 or 6 a year. Also anything metal around here not tied down is stolen. Our neighbors had their air conditioner torn off the side of the building. We've lost tons of stuff before we bought the big trailers, and they get broken into ad infinium (but no one wants tons of paper).
Should I blame the two metal recycling companies down the street from us? (why yes, I think I should) Not to mention the inordinate amount of flat tires we all get from the road leading down to them being littered with nails and bolts.
I hear tale that the actual neighborhoods down the street (we are a street that is half industrial/half residental where I work) are working to have the recyclers move away.
I have to say I hope they win.