I need to get my writing mojo back. Request a drabble if you want. Word count will probably vary. I will do FMA, canon pairing, Yaoi Pairing, whutever. Won't promise I'll do them all but I'll give it a go!
The man nodded, turned back to the car and barked an order in xingese. The the entourage began to descend from the inners of the car. And they just kept coming. Ed began to wonder if they were going to run out of room on the platform and if, in fact, Ling was even on this train or coming on the next one. Finally the crowd seem to thin out and a very severe looking man flanked by two elaborately masked men exited the train. Well damn, ok, he wasn't informed there was another train, but there must be because this one seemed to have emptied out and there was no Ling. Then he noticed all the bowing going on again, people were just about scraping their foreheads on the platform floor and the severe man and his escort were heading their way.
"Who do you think this guy is?" Ed said out of the corner of his mouth to Roy, but once again the general didn't get a chance to respond before the man and his escort were upon them. The guy looked a little familiar, but Ed couldn't place him. Then Roy bowed and Ed took the opportunity to get in a bow, because he should at least get in one to show he knew how to do it and wasn't being a bowing slacker. When he straightened back up the severe man grinned at him and Ed suddenly knew who he was.
"You bowed to me," Ling Yao, emperor of Xing said and bounced a little. "I like the Emperor thing, it's paying off."
Ed groaned, he'd never live this down.
"I didn't recognize you looking like you knew what you were doing," he snapped in reply.
"My dear friend," the emperor of Xing said and threw open his robe covered arms, took a few steps forward and fell against Ed's chest, drowning him in fabric. "It's so good to see you, I've been so bored."
Ed spit out a mouth full of fabric, staggering back a step, arms going around Ling to keep from tottering off balance.
"How can you be bored, you're running a country?" Ed grunted under the added weight, "and your getting fat doing it. I bet you spend your days issuing edicts about dumplings, get off me already."
"But I missed you, didn't you miss me?" the emperor said and then rubbed his cheek against Ed's. "You should tell me you missed me because you know you did and it will look good to all my servants who are here to see you fawn all over me."
"Emperor Ling," the general broke in, "welcome back to Amestris."
Ling turned his head and looked at Roy, as if just noticing he was there. It didn't make him release Ed, but he grinned at the other man.
"I see and hear you're moving up in the ranks, just think, soon we can be negotiating and manuvering and being all political at each other. Then maybe it won't be so boring," Ling simpered, trying to slide his hands down Ed's back to his butt despite Ed's best efforts to squirm away.
"We've arranged very comfortable quarters for you and your attendants," the general continued, seemingly oblivious to Ed's plight. "It might be better if we retire there for the evening so that we aren't holding up the station any further."
"If you insist," the emperor said. "But I insist that you and Edward stay to occupy me for the evening. We can do all sorts of catching up. I can give you all kinds of advice about running a country and you can give me all kinds of juicy gossip about Ed that I've missed out on in my absense."
"Consider it done," the general said, despite Ed's muffled protests and then they made their way to the waiting cars, Ed being dragged by the emperor's hold around his neck.
Once at the hotel that had been rented out in it's entirety for the emperor's stay, Ed discovered that one of the masked men in attendance was actually a masked woman he was familiar with. Ranfan didn't give him more than a passing glance as she personally toured the emperor's suite before allowing him in.
"I did the sweep of this suite personally," Ed said, but she seemed to ignore him. "You know I'm here, right?" he asked as she passed him by again, silently. "I think Ling looks like he's got a pole up his ass in that get up," Ed tried again and that earned him a dirty look, he felt assaged.
Finally the emperor swept in and immediately made for a fine looking couch piled with pillows and flopped onto it. He waved at Ed to beckon him over, but now it was Ed's turn to do the ignoring. Roy entered as well and made himself comfortable in the equally fine looking chair beside the couch. There were many servants dashing back and forth by now, fluffing the pillows for Ling, bringing Ling some sort of fancy water in fancy bottles and twitching everything into perfection before they did a lot of bowing and scrapping and backed out to hover just out of sight and wait for his slightest signal to come rushing back in and attend him some more. Ed wasn't sure how Ling put up with this, just the few mintues they were in here doing it now drove him about bat shit. But finally the place settled down and Ling threw his slippered feet up onto the coffee table and plopped his head back on the back of the couch.
"Being adored is exhausting," he confided to them both.
"You're going to have to put up with a lot more I'm afraid," the general grinned. "Tomorrow's festivities are a large and elaborately planned affair. I think every xingese residing in Amestris will be in attendance and they have plans to make use of your presence all day."
"And you're goober image," Ed snorted from where he was still standing, thinking he looked all tough and security like. "They have posters of you all over the place. It was a little nauseating when we did the security pre-tour of the grounds. Actually it doesn't even look like you, but I knew it was suppose to be you, but whatever."
"Come sit on the couch with me," Ling wheedled. "I haven't seen you in forever! You use to be so cuddly. Remember back when we were all fighting to save the world from homonculus ruled chaos? You would snuggle up in the sleeping back with me there."
Roy turned his head slowly and raised and eyebrow and Ed flushed ten shades of red.
"It was COLD, we only had the one sleeping bag and I didn't have fur like Heinkle and Darius," Ed sputtered. "There was nothing to it, it was survival!" He further blustered in Roy's direction. "And I don't know about you but I wasn't going to sleep with Heinkle and Darius because you know, fleas and the like!"
"Or they might roll over on you and smother you in your sleep," Ling sighed. "You've gotten taller, that's sort of a shame, you were adorable in your more compact form."
The veins on Ed's temples were starting to stand out and Roy made a patting motion at him, grinning.
"Come sit down Ed," he coaxed. "There is enough security on this floor alone to prevent an ant from making it's way to the door. Let's do some catching up with the emperor, it has been a while."
"Speaking of Heinkle and Darius, where are they?" Ling asked from his sprawled position. "I'd like to see them as well."
"Farming," Ed said matter of factly, findly coming over and sitting in the chair furthest from the couch. "Ducks or something, I'm not sure. I haven't heard from them in a couple of months."
"I love duck," Ling sighed. "No one does duck like the palace cooks. Still, it's a shame, didn't they know I was coming?"
"All the stupid hub-bub over your lame ass showing up should have alerted them; but then again their smart and didn't have to be here," Ed snorted.
"You're not here because you wanted to be?" Ling said, a bit of a whine creeping into his voice. "But you should have wanted to be, it's me after all, you adore me. How could you be so heartless to even suggest you're being forced to be here?"
"I'm being paid to be here," Ed informed him, sprawling in his chair in a fashion similar to the royal sprawl on the couch. "The military just can't live without me, didn't you know? The military sure is shelling out a pretty cen to let you come over here to party, be thankful for that."
"You're so cruel," Ling lamented, then turned his eyes on Roy. "He's getting mean in his advancing years. Let me arrest him for being a mean to my royal personage and then I'll take him back to Xing with me and keep him under lock and key and out of your hair."
"Ah, don't think that's not a lovely proposition your highness," Roy said, grinning at Ed's snarl, "but I'm afraid he's to much of a military liability to let out of the country. I'm sure you understand."
"Some figure of Xingese nobility you are," Ed informed him.
"I'm on break," Ling said, waving a robe covered hand. "And I'm ready to have a party after all the official stuff is over. A big party. Being royal all the time is tiring."
"We'll see what we can do," the general assured him.
The next day found Ed, all the xingese ninjas, a bunch of amestrian soilders, the general and the emperor all standing on a stage built for the purpose of the emperor using a big pair of fake scissors to cut a big red ribbon. But before any of that could be done there had to be a billion speeches, all in xingese. For the first hour Ed was on high alert, he scanned the crowds, the rooftops, his fellow platform minglers, then the crowds again. The second hour was more of the same. By the third hour he was pulling at a irritating string on his sleeve and scanning peoples shoes and wonder how some people walked in the footwear that they had on their feet. He perked up when the giant fake scissors where finally brought to the emperor who looked like he had to be prodded awake, and the emperor used them to cut the supposed ribbon,(which in actuality had already been pre-cut and taped back together, so a little tug did the trick). Then the emperor said one, maybe two sentences all together and there was a huge roar from the crowd and that was that. All that mind numbery for maybe a five second utterance by Ling himself. Ed was starting to feel sort of sorry for him if this was what his job at home was like.
Now there was a lot of bowing from many people on the platform and the emperor walked along, nodding his head, grinned and winked at Ed when he came abreast of him and then was shown down the stairs to a waiting car. Finaly, they could leave! Ed trotted along, bringing up the rear and Ling waved him into the same car he was riding in; Ed hestitated a moment but then slid in.
"I'll make this up to you," the emperor of Xing grinned at him. "We just have to put in a party appearance for the masses, then we can have a real party pretty much on our own."
"On our own as in alone?" Ed said. "What kind of party is that?"
"The kind of party where I get to express my true feelings for you that have been bottled up all these long years. But I think you'll need to be almost drunk for that first," Ling assured him and patted his knee.
"I think so because I have no clue what the hell you're on about," Ed muttered.
But Ling just smiled egmatically all the way back to the hotel.
The grand ballroom in the hotel was party central. Anyone who was anyone in the amerstrian brass was there. Ed stayed near Ling at all times, but kept craning his head around looking for one particular general. Hell of a time to skip out on him now. Ling for the most part was being bowed to and talked at without actually being talked to, because no one seemed to have the nerve to look him in the eye. Ling kept grabbing his sleeve to tug him along and he almost, once, got near a buffet table, but about eleventy billion people came over to start bowing again, so he didn't get the chance.
"I'm starting to think we should set up some sort of gauntlet run for the people who want to come over to bow to you," Ed said, leaning up to whisper over Ling's shoulder. "That way, if they have to run through an obstacle course then you know they are really here to bow. How many do you think that would cut down?"
Ling turned his head, grinned at him. "I have always liked the way you think, even if I think sometimes thinking is a dangerous pastime for you."
I know, I know. I am way behind on Big Bang and fm_giftexchange due to holiday madness, but apparently this doesn't stop me being a brat. Right now I am baking a German apple meringue cake for a party while my poor wife runs around snowy London shopping for gifts. Which is not as nice as it sounds because central London turns into a madhouse of angry shoppers this time of year, plus even a centimetre of snow makes this city's transport grind to a screeching halt. Look at this: http://www.tfl.gov.uk/tfl/livetravelnews/realtime/tube/default.html
sounds like Atlanta XD When we get the hint of snow everyone here decides they crave milk and bread and make a run on the stores. I'm making smores cookie bars and red velvet cake truffles and I have a family thing to go to and I have to go and pick up my son and finish my shopping and ARGH!
"Who do you think this guy is?" Ed said out of the corner of his mouth to Roy, but once again the general didn't get a chance to respond before the man and his escort were upon them. The guy looked a little familiar, but Ed couldn't place him. Then Roy bowed and Ed took the opportunity to get in a bow, because he should at least get in one to show he knew how to do it and wasn't being a bowing slacker. When he straightened back up the severe man grinned at him and Ed suddenly knew who he was.
"You bowed to me," Ling Yao, emperor of Xing said and bounced a little. "I like the Emperor thing, it's paying off."
Ed groaned, he'd never live this down.
"I didn't recognize you looking like you knew what you were doing," he snapped in reply.
"My dear friend," the emperor of Xing said and threw open his robe covered arms, took a few steps forward and fell against Ed's chest, drowning him in fabric. "It's so good to see you, I've been so bored."
Ed spit out a mouth full of fabric, staggering back a step, arms going around Ling to keep from tottering off balance.
"How can you be bored, you're running a country?" Ed grunted under the added weight, "and your getting fat doing it. I bet you spend your days issuing edicts about dumplings, get off me already."
"But I missed you, didn't you miss me?" the emperor said and then rubbed his cheek against Ed's. "You should tell me you missed me because you know you did and it will look good to all my servants who are here to see you fawn all over me."
"Emperor Ling," the general broke in, "welcome back to Amestris."
Ling turned his head and looked at Roy, as if just noticing he was there. It didn't make him release Ed, but he grinned at the other man.
"I see and hear you're moving up in the ranks, just think, soon we can be negotiating and manuvering and being all political at each other. Then maybe it won't be so boring," Ling simpered, trying to slide his hands down Ed's back to his butt despite Ed's best efforts to squirm away.
"We've arranged very comfortable quarters for you and your attendants," the general continued, seemingly oblivious to Ed's plight. "It might be better if we retire there for the evening so that we aren't holding up the station any further."
"Consider it done," the general said, despite Ed's muffled protests and then they made their way to the waiting cars, Ed being dragged by the emperor's hold around his neck.
Once at the hotel that had been rented out in it's entirety for the emperor's stay, Ed discovered that one of the masked men in attendance was actually a masked woman he was familiar with. Ranfan didn't give him more than a passing glance as she personally toured the emperor's suite before allowing him in.
"I did the sweep of this suite personally," Ed said, but she seemed to ignore him. "You know I'm here, right?" he asked as she passed him by again, silently. "I think Ling looks like he's got a pole up his ass in that get up," Ed tried again and that earned him a dirty look, he felt assaged.
Finally the emperor swept in and immediately made for a fine looking couch piled with pillows and flopped onto it. He waved at Ed to beckon him over, but now it was Ed's turn to do the ignoring. Roy entered as well and made himself comfortable in the equally fine looking chair beside the couch. There were many servants dashing back and forth by now, fluffing the pillows for Ling, bringing Ling some sort of fancy water in fancy bottles and twitching everything into perfection before they did a lot of bowing and scrapping and backed out to hover just out of sight and wait for his slightest signal to come rushing back in and attend him some more. Ed wasn't sure how Ling put up with this, just the few mintues they were in here doing it now drove him about bat shit. But finally the place settled down and Ling threw his slippered feet up onto the coffee table and plopped his head back on the back of the couch.
"Being adored is exhausting," he confided to them both.
"And you're goober image," Ed snorted from where he was still standing, thinking he looked all tough and security like. "They have posters of you all over the place. It was a little nauseating when we did the security pre-tour of the grounds. Actually it doesn't even look like you, but I knew it was suppose to be you, but whatever."
"Come sit on the couch with me," Ling wheedled. "I haven't seen you in forever! You use to be so cuddly. Remember back when we were all fighting to save the world from homonculus ruled chaos? You would snuggle up in the sleeping back with me there."
Roy turned his head slowly and raised and eyebrow and Ed flushed ten shades of red.
"It was COLD, we only had the one sleeping bag and I didn't have fur like Heinkle and Darius," Ed sputtered. "There was nothing to it, it was survival!" He further blustered in Roy's direction. "And I don't know about you but I wasn't going to sleep with Heinkle and Darius because you know, fleas and the like!"
"Or they might roll over on you and smother you in your sleep," Ling sighed. "You've gotten taller, that's sort of a shame, you were adorable in your more compact form."
The veins on Ed's temples were starting to stand out and Roy made a patting motion at him, grinning.
"Come sit down Ed," he coaxed. "There is enough security on this floor alone to prevent an ant from making it's way to the door. Let's do some catching up with the emperor, it has been a while."
"Speaking of Heinkle and Darius, where are they?" Ling asked from his sprawled position. "I'd like to see them as well."
"Farming," Ed said matter of factly, findly coming over and sitting in the chair furthest from the couch. "Ducks or something, I'm not sure. I haven't heard from them in a couple of months."
"I love duck," Ling sighed. "No one does duck like the palace cooks. Still, it's a shame, didn't they know I was coming?"
"All the stupid hub-bub over your lame ass showing up should have alerted them; but then again their smart and didn't have to be here," Ed snorted.
"You're not here because you wanted to be?" Ling said, a bit of a whine creeping into his voice. "But you should have wanted to be, it's me after all, you adore me. How could you be so heartless to even suggest you're being forced to be here?"
"I'm being paid to be here," Ed informed him, sprawling in his chair in a fashion similar to the royal sprawl on the couch. "The military just can't live without me, didn't you know? The military sure is shelling out a pretty cen to let you come over here to party, be thankful for that."
"You're so cruel," Ling lamented, then turned his eyes on Roy. "He's getting mean in his advancing years. Let me arrest him for being a mean to my royal personage and then I'll take him back to Xing with me and keep him under lock and key and out of your hair."
"Ah, don't think that's not a lovely proposition your highness," Roy said, grinning at Ed's snarl, "but I'm afraid he's to much of a military liability to let out of the country. I'm sure you understand."
"Some figure of Xingese nobility you are," Ed informed him.
"I'm on break," Ling said, waving a robe covered hand. "And I'm ready to have a party after all the official stuff is over. A big party. Being royal all the time is tiring."
"We'll see what we can do," the general assured him.
The next day found Ed, all the xingese ninjas, a bunch of amestrian soilders, the general and the emperor all standing on a stage built for the purpose of the emperor using a big pair of fake scissors to cut a big red ribbon. But before any of that could be done there had to be a billion speeches, all in xingese. For the first hour Ed was on high alert, he scanned the crowds, the rooftops, his fellow platform minglers, then the crowds again. The second hour was more of the same. By the third hour he was pulling at a irritating string on his sleeve and scanning peoples shoes and wonder how some people walked in the footwear that they had on their feet. He perked up when the giant fake scissors where finally brought to the emperor who looked like he had to be prodded awake, and the emperor used them to cut the supposed ribbon,(which in actuality had already been pre-cut and taped back together, so a little tug did the trick). Then the emperor said one, maybe two sentences all together and there was a huge roar from the crowd and that was that. All that mind numbery for maybe a five second utterance by Ling himself. Ed was starting to feel sort of sorry for him if this was what his job at home was like.
Now there was a lot of bowing from many people on the platform and the emperor walked along, nodding his head, grinned and winked at Ed when he came abreast of him and then was shown down the stairs to a waiting car. Finaly, they could leave! Ed trotted along, bringing up the rear and Ling waved him into the same car he was riding in; Ed hestitated a moment but then slid in.
"I'll make this up to you," the emperor of Xing grinned at him. "We just have to put in a party appearance for the masses, then we can have a real party pretty much on our own."
"On our own as in alone?" Ed said. "What kind of party is that?"
"The kind of party where I get to express my true feelings for you that have been bottled up all these long years. But I think you'll need to be almost drunk for that first," Ling assured him and patted his knee.
"I think so because I have no clue what the hell you're on about," Ed muttered.
But Ling just smiled egmatically all the way back to the hotel.
The grand ballroom in the hotel was party central. Anyone who was anyone in the amerstrian brass was there. Ed stayed near Ling at all times, but kept craning his head around looking for one particular general. Hell of a time to skip out on him now. Ling for the most part was being bowed to and talked at without actually being talked to, because no one seemed to have the nerve to look him in the eye. Ling kept grabbing his sleeve to tug him along and he almost, once, got near a buffet table, but about eleventy billion people came over to start bowing again, so he didn't get the chance.
"I'm starting to think we should set up some sort of gauntlet run for the people who want to come over to bow to you," Ed said, leaning up to whisper over Ling's shoulder. "That way, if they have to run through an obstacle course then you know they are really here to bow. How many do you think that would cut down?"
Ling turned his head, grinned at him. "I have always liked the way you think, even if I think sometimes thinking is a dangerous pastime for you."
Private hotel room party nao?
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