Al: Brother! Broooother! Dinner is ready! Come on already!
Al: Come on, how long are you going to hide in there?
Ed: Forever.
Al: You lost that bet fair and square, you promised
Ed: *groan*
Al: Now come on
Ed: Fine, I'm here. Happy?
Al: Very.
Ed: I'm not hungry, can I go now?
Al: Brother...
Ed: Alright, alright, fine, here I am.
Al: That color really suits you
Ed: Ok, I'm out of here
Al: What do you say?
Ed: I...I feel pretty. I'm never forgiving you.
Al: If you're not prepared to pay the piper don't make the bet.
Ed: How the hell was I suppose to know you could play 'Dixie' by stringing your damn panache thorugh your grill plate and strumming it like a damn harp!
Al: Temper.
Ed: *snarl*
Ed: Ok fine, so you're musically gifted. I can live with that. The weirdness of this is...this dress is kinda comfy.
Al: Brother, I...I'm touched you're getting in touch with your femine side.
Ed:...PSCYHE! You know, I'm resisting your attempts to turn me into a girl.
Ed: There is another place setting again, I'm not dining with the cat.
Al: But the cat is eating my dinner, you know, the one I can't eat being as I'm an inanimate object and all.
Ed: HEY, just because I cursed you with an unfeeling, cold, spiky outer shell doesn't mean I gotta have cat hair in my dinner!
Al: Mr. Fluffybutt has perfect table manners. Sweetpatootie doesn't, that is why she is in the chair.
Ed: Yeah well I'm through with dinner, bet is over, I'm going to change.
15 minutes later...
Ed: Ok, now that I have on manly things, I'm going out
Al: I think the next time we bet you go out in the dress
Ed: Fat chance. I'm onto you now. You're not going to catch me in girl clothes again!
Al: You know, I'm not the one making a girl out of you. That's the Colonel's shirt. I know you leave your clothes all over the floor, so what's the Colonel's shirt doing on your floor, hmmm?
Ed: I'm outta here!
Feeling the need to play with her dolls and Barbie furniture:
sky_darkFeeling the need to inflict it on you all:
sky_darkFeeling sorry for the lot of you: