Title: Better Living Through Alchemy - Chapter 20, Part One Pairing: Roy/Ed Rating: NC-17 Spoilers: None Special Guest Beta: brinylon, much thanks and love!
They got engadged fast. It almost seemed kind of rushed at first, especially so soon in the chapter, but after the whole chapter I didn't mind at all~ It actually made me really giddy because yay! Mr. Edward Elric-Mustang? It has a nice ring to it 8D
And wow, the ending of the first part was so perfect xD
"I just have this overwhelming need to have sex with you" Brilliance.
Nononono, that's not what I meant xD I mean so fast into the chapter ^^; Of course it's not fast in the lines of the actual story 8D; I was actually surprised they didn't get engadged earlier. Haha.
Comments 31
They got engadged fast. It almost seemed kind of rushed at first, especially so soon in the chapter, but after the whole chapter I didn't mind at all~ It actually made me really giddy because yay! Mr. Edward Elric-Mustang? It has a nice ring to it 8D
And wow, the ending of the first part was so perfect xD
"I just have this overwhelming need to have sex with you" Brilliance.
Okay! -dances onto the next part-
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*made my day after something that had to do w/ me + writing ruined it... partly...*
*goes off to read*
However, I really enjoyed what I did get a chance to read! XD
And the description of Roy's outfit for going to the lake made me snicker.
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