Title: Wither Author: sky_dark Genre: Het Rating: NC-17 Pairing: Ed/Gracia Spoilers: Spoilers for Episode 25 Word Count: 3069 (highly unbeta'd) Notes: Written for fma_fuh_q
I really love Gracia. Her desire to be seen as a woman with needs, and not just a widow, the bit of Hughes left behind. And I like that Ed isn't really able to do that, that he doesn't WANT to do it. He, like everyone else, has put her on a martyrs pedistal, and he's shocked when she climbs off of it and into his lap.
It turned out great, and you are right, most people tend to just forget about Gracia's feelings in the matter. They get so wrapped up in their own for what happened to Hughes, they don't focus on how she must feel...or they make it out worse than it is.
I know you have circe but if you ever need anyone else to check things over, I'm free to do it. I can catch a lot of little errors, part of the reason it took me a while to comment. For some reason my brain can't just go, "omg porn!" and stop functioning. XD
Comments 44
that's all i caught. (yours)-- (correction)
otherwise- this was gorgeous and touching and wow. you wrote this beautifully.
the only thing is.. i think she took off her sweater but then later it was on again <.<
but omfg.. very well done.. and..wow *stare* |
Although, my brain kept wondering how he could have grabbed her sweater if she removed it. I need to stop analyzing smut and just leave it be.
OMG, I fixed that XD
I know you have circe but if you ever need anyone else to check things over, I'm free to do it. I can catch a lot of little errors, part of the reason it took me a while to comment. For some reason my brain can't just go, "omg porn!" and stop functioning. XD
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