[F-Fic] Haunted 4/?? (KH, VenxLea/Axel, Demyx X Zexion)

Apr 07, 2010 15:44

Disclaimer: KH is Disney's and Square Enix's (unfortunately D8 it's a yaoi game, I so swear)
Summary: Lingering spirits, taking advantage of those who miss them the most to get back at the mass murderer who is still on the loose. Ventus and Zexion exploit the undead fact to get revenge on the living with Axel and Demyx as their unwilling accomplices. AU
Pairings: Ventus/Axel, Demyx/Zexion, Axel/Roxas
Genre: Spiritual, Horror, Adventure, Tragedy... blah
- Not really... 'cept the blood XD

A/N: having writer's block really sucks. Plus side, I haven't done anything for anything I've written so far 8D except this. Yes Zex, I know you feel honoured lol

Navigation: *(1)* . *(2)* . *( 3)*Terra… That name tickled the edge of his brain but Axel just could not put his finger on where he heard the name. He thanked the gods that Demyx was blasting music in his room. He would prefer not to answer awkward questions about why he was talking to the air. Especially when Demyx only saw Zexion and not Ventus.

“Lea…?” Ventus’s voice brought him back to reality.

“It’s ‘Axel’, Ven,” he reminded the smaller boy, really wishing that he were tangible again and run his fingers through the soft, gravity-defying blond hair. “Who’s Terra?”

Zexion replied him, “The guy with black hair and wanted to see Professor Aqua on the day on the genocide. You pointed out her office to him.”

“He wasn’t holding a machine gun then,” Axel retorted. “But yeah, I remember I think… Well-built, tanned and really tall right?”

Of course he would know that stranger who wanted to see Professor Aqua…

"Excuse me, do you know where the Life Sciences block happen to be?” asked a deep voice behind Axel. It was early morning at another day in the campus.

Axel stopped walking and turned around, so did Ventus. “Yeah, of course,” Axel replied. “It’s straight ahead. There’s a huge aquarium on the right, you can’t miss it.”

“I see. Thank you,” the man replied. He was dressed casually. Black fitting t-shirt and loose beige cargo pants. The fitting shirt also clung onto the curve of his well-trained arms and showed off the slight curves of the muscles below the sunkissed skin. Black hair styled upwards, nearly resembling Ventus’s. “Do you happen to know a teacher there called Aqua Magix?”

“Yeah, seventh floor office. Her line is 2782,” Axel supplied helpfully, completely missing the expression on Ventus’s face.

The visitor thanked Axel again and headed straight for the Life Sciences block. He turned back and saw Ventus’s blank face. “Ven?” he asked, snapping his fingers in front of the other’s face as he spoke.

“Wha-Oh. Yeah, I’m fine,” Ventus answered and smiled broadly.”I better get going, class starts soon. Block N just finished and we’re one of the lucky few to have a look around the place first!”

The enthusiasm Ventus radiated was infectious. “Alright then, see you after school,” Axel laughed and placed a quick kiss on Ventus’s lips. Ventus sped off towards the Arts facility.

And that was the last time he saw Ventus alive…

“You’re not telling me that guy was responsible,” Axel denied. “He was empty-handed!”

Ventus snorted. “He hid the gun prior to going. I should’ve known something was up when he wanted to see Aqua. He’s always been that way”

“Then what happened next?” Axel inquired.

Ventus ran straight into another body. “Ah, I’m sorry, I was distracted an--,” Ventus started as he looked up and saw who he crashed into. “Oh. Sorry Zexion.”

Zexion merely blinked. “Thinking about the new block?” he enquired. “But I guess not, given the trapped mouse expression on your face now.”

Ventus looked around, checking his surroundings before answering softly, “He’s back.”

Zexion raised an eyebrow. Ventus seemed positively scared. He decided not to probe further. “Come on. You don’t want Professor Ansem to give you detention for the first time do you?”

It was not until a couple of hours later that Zexion saw what Ventus was truly paranoid of. He had ran to the assembly hall when he heard screaming in the Literature library. Standing in front of him in the assembly hall of the block, was the same person he had seen Axel talking to prior. Ventus was locked in a staring competition with that stranger. Who was holding a machine gun. And a huge one.

“Go back to where you came from, Terra,” Ventus shouted, the command clear in his voice. “I won’t tell Master that you’ve been here. I’m sure Aqua won’t either.”

The man with the machine gun merely chuckled. “You expect me to obey you?” he asked while amusement flitted through his face. “After… this?” He swept his arm outwide. It was then that Zexion really knew why the hall was so quiet. A large dark red puddle was staining the ground and growing larger, reaching his feet in a matter of minutes. Bodies were strewn across the hall. It was around mid lunchtime so most students were there. The stray few like Zexion were gathered around the hall, watching Ventus face off the stranger. Dark red spots dotted their clothes and most clothes have already been soaked through in blood. Some glass panes were shattered as well, the sharp debris glittering throughout the puddle. A flash of pink reflected at the corner of his eyes.

Marluxia, another friend of Demyx’s. An undergraduate in the Performing Arts and studying an elective class of Flower Arrangement. Zexion would be appalled to even recognize him whenever the usual gang met for lunch but somehow both Axel and Xion were made to stay back for a while due to Axel planting a smoke bomb in Xion’s class. So the lunch meeting was called off.

“Terra, I’m serious,” Ventus called out. “Go back now.”

A deranged laugh merely echoed through the hall. “I didn’t come here to listen to you,” he said. Shock hit Ventus. “I’m here… To get you for what you did to me back then.” And without warning, he aimed the gun to the students gathered along the side of the hall. The same side where Zexion and Marluxia was. The last things Zexion heard was the sound of shooting, people screaming, more glass shattering and Ventus screaming his name.

“That was what I know of,” Zexion said. “The last person left in the building relatively unharmed was Ventus. But Marluxia survived as he took only two bullets and hit non vital areas. You heard the news, some people were ran through at least fifteen times.”

Ventus stared in horror as his friends were taken down quickly and brutally. “Why?!” Ventus demanded when the gunshots died. “Why did you kill them too?! They’ve done nothing to you!!”

Big mistake, he realized as Terra gave him a feral smile. “They are witnesses the moment they were here. Dead men tell no tales, have you not heard of it?” He turned the gun on Ventus. “And now it’s your turn, for real. Told you that you would regret ratting me out to Master that day.”

“And he somehow managed to drag each person up to those hanging TV screens and it was like some sick display,” Ventus grumbled. “Marluxia said he dug his heels into the frames holding the screens up, that’s how he stayed alive and waited till Terra left and called Professor Aqua. I think he heard me mention her. I was yelling pretty loud.”

Axel was stunned into silence. The phrase ‘never judge a book by its cover’ held its truth after all. “So where is this Terra guy?” Axel asked when he got his voice back.

Before Zexion answered, the faint strains of music stopped. Before he could say anything, the door opened, flooding the room with light. “Axe, are you done?” Demyx asked. He noticed that there were three people in the room. And only one person was casting a shadow. One of the other two not casting a shadow was someone he never thought he would ever see again. “Ven?!” Demyx asked in shock. “No… It can’t be… You’re dead.” He shook his head frantically to rid himself of the image.

“Ven is dead,” Zexion replied in perfect monotone. “So am I.”

Wide sea-green eyes looked up at Zexion, and down to the ground. The only one with a shadow was Axel.A/N: I feel pretty productive today, for some reason XD


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