(no subject)

May 17, 2006 18:53

Good Things:
1. My car is back! Hooray! Huzzah! Praise Allah! Hallelujah! *cuddles it* I missed it so much. Sweet freedom, thy name is Mitsubishi Diamante. Happyyyyyyyy.
2. My brother came home, then promptly left for the beach. The best of both worlds! I get to see him, which is nice, but he doesn't stay so long that I get tired of him. Win, indeed.
3. My dad is coming home from Beijing on Friday. Thank god. I feel like I haven't seen him in months, and he's only been gone a week or so. Less than that, probably; it just feels like an eternity.
4. In two days, I will be officially done with all of my written exams this year. Hip hip hoorah! Now all I have to do is survive next year and I'm gold.
5. The weather should improve over the next few days. It's supposed to be 87 degrees next Friday! Let's hope that holds.

Bad Things:
1. Being sick is not fun. I really need to get over this before tomorrow, which is why I will try to go to bed around 7:30 or so. Eesh.
2. Still dreading my job. Being grown up sucks, you guys. Especially when there's no sex or alcohol to make it bearable. XD
3. Still have to take my chemistry exam. Dammit.

All in all, I'm not sure which balances out the other. I'm going to try to make it the good stuff, though, because I imagine I am more pleasant to be around when I'm not as mopey as I seem to have been these past few weeks. On the plus side, a month from now I will no longer be in school! So there is an end to all this gloominess, indeed.

I think that, for Urbana's prom, I'm going to wear the dress I wore to my freshman homecoming. It leaves my entire upper back bare and has a rather scandalous neckline (so scandalous, in fact, that I had my mom stitch up a little bit of it so it wasn't completely ridiculous) but it suits me really well. I shall have to do some very creative things, bra-wise, to get it to work, but I have faith in myself. My expectations for Urbana's prom are pretty low; after all, I don't know a whole lot of people and I'm not going with a date, so chances are my evening will suck. However, I'm willing to take the chance; I like dances in general, and I enjoy dressing up, so I will try to make the most of it, even if I am ultimately dateless and danceless. Life goes on, I think. :P

smut_wednesday this week is absolutely AMAZING. I reccommend you people all check it out. Pfah. Those people have more artistic talent in their pinkies than I have in my entire body. Damn them all!

All right, enough of this blather. I need to review some chemistry (like that's going to happen) and then get my ass to bed. Hope all is well with everyone!

Peace, love, and shaggy hair--

urbana, bad, prom, sick, smut

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