Wraithfodder found and pointed us Joe fans to his appearance on the Jace Hall Show seen here
jacehall.tv/2009/05/07/episode-8-w-stargate-atlantis-joe-flanigan-a-visit-to-the-set-of-sanctuary-and-terminator-salvation-w-a-terminator/ It's a funny internet show with a hilarious segment with the Flan. He dons on Jace's collector Visitor suit from the original series and eventually runs away from the grabbing hands of Jace! And of course, that inspired a lot of squeeing on the GW Shep whump thread and discussions of Joe running away from us crazy whumpers.
I was so enthralled with the original V series when I was a kid and I always wished Diana would have tried to brainwash Mike. But no, he's too "stubborn" and instead Diana gives him truth serum. Humph. So, now I envision Sheppard in the Visitor suit and wondered why would he run away?
Diana has captured, stripped and placed Sheppard in her conversion chamber. She's interrogating and trying to convert that stubborn man so she starts pumping him scenarios of his most dreaded fears... Flash - he is being bitten by an iratus bug. He feels phantom pains but knows this is not real. He remains stoic as she increases the stimulus. Flash - he is a bug again, attempting an escape. Chased by Ronon, he feels the powerful stuns before he slams to the floor, skidding a few meters. He feels betrayed but realizes THIS is not real. Flash - he’s strapped onto a gurney and can feel every agonizing skin/muscle/bone pain as he slowly mutates back into a human again. He writhes, breathing hard but thinks this is not real and refuses to give in. She's getting angry now and jacks up his stimulus 5-fold more. His heart begins to palpate irregularly. Flash - he's being drained by a wraith. His eyes widen in pain as the wraith before him warps into a Queen that looks like Teyla. She smiles wickedly at him as she takes his life year by year. It is more agonizing than the combined five feedings/restoration done by Todd and his screams echo in the chamber as Diana increases the stimulus level another 2-fold. Alarms blare and her technicians warn her that he is reaching his maximum. Flash - he's wearing a Visitor suit now but he doesn't know where he is. He's not on Atlantis. He's laid back on a black couch and a giant is talking to him. He hears the distant rumble of drums (thunder maybe?) but it matches the pounding of his heart. The giant points to him and his body and says, repeatedly, "you killed it" but he only hears "you killed, you killed, you killed" in slow motion. Images of Holland, Sumner, Ford, Elizabeth, Carson, the Marines, the Genii, the named and many more nameless Pegasus faces lost in the wars flicker faster and faster in his head. His heart stutters and he gasps, pain shooting across his chest and down his left arm. He hears new voices now... "scream... restraints.. stun.. drippy blood... convulsions.. intubate (although it sounds kind of like ginger cake).... clowns.. impale... kneel..." His glazed eyes focus to the distant door, sensing extreme danger. He calmly and coolly states to the giant, "I gotta blow, Holmes" and makes his way to the imposing door. Just as he turns down the corridor, whispering shadows begin to leap at him, grabbing him, petting him, goosing him. He is in blind terror and does the only thing he can do and runs down endless corridors as the chasing shadows solidify into squeeing hordes of Whumpers... The last thing he remembers before he passes out was someone with a vibrating voice (a Visitor?) saying, "Stop! You're stretching the materi-" followed immediately by a loud smack. He opens his eyes and blearily sees a frustrated Diana standing over a Visitor technician with a torn face and smiles as he realizes he did not break and that his team will get here soon.