We all take medicine of some sort. It's psychologically ingrained in our oversized and underworked minds that we need medicine to feel better. This could be as a result of thousands of years of shamanism and even church practice (most religions once issued medicine or advice on healing and health issues...the worlds earliest doctors and administrators are said to be priests).
So, today we put medicine in our mouths like candy. Some people think immediately about the
Prozac popping thousands--who often remind me of the
Thorazine patients spending their lives with a drool and a
shuffle. Not me...I think of the billions who need aspirin for a headache or a tummy ache, those people who fell sick and start taking
Ammoxicillin, or
Cefalexin (Keflex).
Now, I understand the industry and medical practice of the above medications. I understand the basic bio-chemistry involved and, yes, I understand that a certain percentage of the population can benefit from the use of such foreign substances to the human body.
They aren't regularly occurring substances that you would ingest in your daily diet (or at least they shouldn't be and aren't naturally in your diet). It's that simple.
I like to quote a phrase here (I forgot the doctor/nutritionist that said it): "People don't run around with Prozac deficient diets, that's that. They run around with vitamin deficient diets and that causes some chemical imbalances."
Well, she left out that we get lots of other harmful chemicals these days through various edible and other mediums...but still, she had a good point.
This is leading somewhere, I promise.
I see people with iron deficiencies...often anemic. If I say they need more iron, I'm an idiot. If my mother and aunt say they need more iron, well, then people listen more (they're nurses). If a doctor or a study comes out that says that anemic people need more iron and anemia can be found to have certain symptoms, then the who damn country begins to eat more iron whether they are anemic or not. (You see how much things are weighted with paper.)
[This situation happens often with me. The above is similar to something I say about my g/f's sister. My mother and aunt noticed when they visited. BUT, her mother is a doctor and says that it's not the problem...enough said.]
Another case:
My g/f (Sveta) has a bit of an illness. It's common...she doesn't feel so good, she's tired, and she has some cold sores in her mouth (those suck).
When she says she doesn't need medicine for that...well, here we go...mom is here and a doctor and knows to drink mass amounts of smelly herbal tea and take lots of natural pills. (Sorry, but 'natural' doesn't mean safe...that's a major error. Snake poison is natural. Mercury and arsenic are natural. Many
plants growing in nature are poisonous.) So, I understand why she would refuse. She sees that she takes medicines and I don't...I still heal faster. (Sounds strange, but I usually do...and I sometimes will change my diet if it's bad...or some petroleum menthol solution sometimes with oils, but it's because I like the smell and being able to breath, it's an
ointment, not a medicine and not an overarching
panacea). Unfortunately, my girlfriend hasn't yet asserted her 'adulthood' with her mother--something for my next post. Thus, she humored here, took the medicine and drank the stink weed tea.
As I said before, I never said that I don't believe in medicine. I know that it works and works well when applied in the correct way and for the correct circumstance. However, they should still be used sparingly. (I'm sure a pharmacist won't admit that...they sell these medicines and it's
big business [
pharmacy business analysis].
My questions are usually simple:
1. Will this cure my sickness or just the symptoms?
I always get the same answer...and I know that the symptoms are often a direct cause of my body fighting the illness (stopped up nose to keep any more airborne antigens out, etc.). So, I do my best to stick it out.
My poor girlfriend...
Is it really a serious illness? Good question. But, if it is and there's little hope healing on your own...take the pill. Otherwise, grow up. It's also natural to be sick.