In mid-June, I finished the short story 'Chariot' and sent it off to
Strange Horizons (haven't heard back yet but their response time listing says I shouldn't worry til the end of August).
Yesterday, I finished and sent off 'The Victim' to
Orson Scott Card's Intergalactic Medicine Show.
Today, I finished and sent off 'Launch' (the finished version of that little fribble I posted yesterday) to a one-shot anthology called
The Way of the Wizard.
I am, as they say, making an effort. If these and any further stories I finish and send out get rejected (let's face it, they probably will), I'll bump my submission level down to semi-pro markets and then just to paying, and just keep sending them out until somebody likes them.
I have no idea how long this particular spurt of creativity will last, but it's fun so far.