Jan 26, 2010 09:04

My friends at the Ann ARbor Summer Festival are trying to put together a fund raising event in February and have not been successful in finding performers... I have included Amy Nesbit's contact information along with what she is looking for if you or any one that you know may fit the bill... The AASF is a great organization and the people are great to work with.

I don't check LJ much but if you need to get ahold of me: matt at highlandergraphics dot com

Ideally, we are looking for 3-6 different performers doing pieces that work in the vibe of the "between the wars" 1910-1930's kind of vibe. Think older "Cabaret" style.
The Burlesque show would be "the late show" with passed drinks and chocolates for the "Patrons" who will have paid a premium ticket for the evenings fun and in direct support for the benefit of Ann Arbor Summer Festival for 1 hour.

We would have dedicated audio technician, an off stage room for make up and to change, drinks and dinner, an Emcee (TBC)
Currently we have over 12 singers/dancers/live musicians donating their time and talent to the evening, plus dozens of volunteers, productions staff and donated food.
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