
May 02, 2006 23:23

I seem to have mastered the stress and frustration and anger for the time being. I have survived hat nasty pre-purple monkey week without excessive brooding, crying, and without riping anyone's head off. I am quite enjoying this... I am usually, well, lets face it... a wee bit bithy. And the thought of having mastered the stress... thats a good thing. A VERY good thing!

Latin is pretty cool. The class is intense, the prof drills us on the material from the day before for the first hour of class. (Conjugating verbs outloud... grrr). But its not too bad, and I seem to have the hang of it so far. Also cool, Alexis, one of the girls from my horror and terror class is in my Latin class, so I have a buddy. We spent the entire class today laughing about how Alexis wants to bring the prof a shiney apple. He looks very much like a stereotypical Latin prof, except when he grins... then he looks like Jack Nicholson, which is kind of funny too.
But everything has a down side. I walk into class today and freeze. Sitting in my class is the creepy dude... the tall, viking guy who showed up where I work one night... he's in my latin class. In shock I say "...taking Latin?" his response, "No, I'm stocking you." HAHA. He isn't... but if fate puts us in the same place one more time... *shakes fist at fate. Not fair...this is so not fair. I cannot get away from this guy!!! I know his name now though... Ivan. I know two vikings names Ivan... thats kind of neat. But it doesn;t make me like him any better.
... he was teasing me about my cowboy hat. *looks indignant* I can't believe I am going to have to see this guy 4 days a week for a month and a half...*meep*

On another note, I know Heather Gough had a sister, but does anyone know what her name was? There is a girl with that last name in my Latin class, who looks like she could pull off being Heather's sister.

As well, I don't have class on thursday cause my prof has a conference. I am at the ROM from 12-4 on friday, and I work 10-5 on Saturday... and I MUST... let me repeat... MUST see you people this weekend. So, when and what would you like to do? Don't ask me to come up with ideas... I am trying to transalte Catulus' Farewell to his Girlfriend.

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