Updates (what is skwerly doing these days)

Apr 06, 2011 22:04

Ha, I just noticed that I don't update this thing as much as I should.

Currently, I'm still trying to recover from an issue with my left eye. Long story short, something (most likely an allergen) got caught between my left (hard, gp) contact lens and my eye. Now, before anyone says "just wear contacts", it's not that easy because my eyesight's very bad and glasses will leave me with no periphery vision. Anyway, the contacts I wear are also trying to re-shape my eye but now it's suctioning onto my eye instead of gliding a bit as it should. Anyway, that allergen decides that since it's stuck, it'll just go through my eye.
Thankfully the spec is not there so my eye can heal. Eye looks normal now, and not bloodshot like it did a little more than a week ago.

Things I'm still doing:

- prepping for Anime North illintent is still working on the comic while I decide that I should get myself a button maker and make buttons...

- practicing my bass guitar. My music reading abilities are slowly coming back. Well, at least in the bass clef. It's nice to get back into music. Still feeling newb at the bass though. (Played it for a year back in jr. high so it's been a loong while at limited experience on it) I'd go back to piano but I won't be able to fit it in a condo and probably get depressed at how my skills have degraded from the time I left it (starting grade 8 Conservatory)

- helping out in the prep a couple of upcoming weddings this year. I've been made into a "manager" for my cousins wedding and a (temp?) matron of honour for a friend's wedding.

Also, managed to snag a couple tickets for the Dave Brubeck Quartet concert as part of the Toronto Jazz fest in June! :3
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