
Jan 21, 2004 16:36

So, my hard disk on my laptop seems to have died. The machine was like 5 years old, so I kind of expected it. I'll be buying a new comp soon, and hopefully the data from the dead one can be transfered to the new one. Grrr.

On a brighter note:
Following is a statement from Matt Foreman, Executive Director, National Gay and Lesbian Task Force:

"We are appalled by the President's direct attack on the fundamental principle of American democracy, an independent judiciary. Contrary to the President's statement, our courts were not created to enforce the will of the people, but to enforce and interpret the law. Mr. Bush ought to understand this, given that he sits in the White House because of court action, not the will of the people.

We urge the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts not to give in to these crass manipulative threats, and continue to uphold the constitution of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, the birthplace of American liberty.

We are also disgusted by the President's sanctimonious hypocrisy in saying how the debate around denying gay people the right to marry is important. He and the extreme religious and political right to which he is pandering are saying that we ­- lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Americans -­ are not entitled to equal rights. It doesn't matter how you say that, it is wrong. At the very least, the President needs to have the guts to call it for what it is: utter disdain for and discrimination against gay people."
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