Jul 02, 2016 22:47
So, looking at some of the "documentation" I've made so far (e.g. the madhouse of CC Schedule), there are some idiosyncrasies that I exhibit, and it may make things easier on the team if I explain them. So, here are Kruel's Rules:
1) If the font for something is grey, that information may be inaccurate.
2) If something is struck out, that means it is currently inaccurate - e.g. something we used to do but don't anymore. I like to keep past techniques in my docs even after we've stopped using them. (Those who forget the past...)
3) If something is parentheses, it may be unconfirmed or undecided*. Also, it usually means I'm not sure what to do - so, if it seems like a question or a problem, and you have an idea about how to solve it, please comment.
4) If the background of an empty cell is gray, that means it has formulas in it and will auto-populate when you do something else, so don't touch it. :D
5) I really like colors and will try to implement their use for organizational purposes at every opportunity.
6) Puns are great. "Kruel's Rules" isn't really a thing, but it sounds funny
7) I love spreadsheets and especially formulas and conditional formatting. I will continue to try to make all of our lives easier by creating shortcuts in our spreadsheets.
OK, I'm realizing it's probably time for bed, so good night :D :D
*The 'uncertain parentheses' technique is something I use everywhere, but I find it especially useful in writing, so I am offering this up as a personal suggestion: when I can't think of the right word, I will try to think of two or three that are close and put them in parentheses so I can come back and figure out the word later instead of spending hours trying to think of it and forgetting that I was actually trying to finish writing something. E.g. "He needed to make (amends/reparations/redress) after losing his sister's hamster."