Jun 03, 2011 21:17
So...Birthday week! I mean MONTH. For Mrs. Skwashy and the mere self.
As is traditional (suddenly), I accompanied Mrs. Skwashy to the annual church retreat in lovely Freestone at the CYO the church rents for the occasion. Really, the digs are pretty deluxe for bunk cabins.
My Sunday school kids are SO OLD now. They are all teenagery. Well, that should be no surprise to anyone, given the simple arithmetic of the passing years, but it does make me wonder how they got to be so ancient while I stayed the same age. /me scratches her head in confusion.
Oh! And there was Silent Football! and I got to be Interim Dictator while the Dictator took a break. It was fun! I love Silent Football. And AND there was quite a lot of wine at this retreat. I was feeling very merry indeed. And PLUS, there was gourd decoration (also a retreat tradition) so it wasn't a total artistic waste. If you consider decorated gourds worthwhile. And, though I may have been too generally tipsy to make much of a contribution to the genre, I did my best and didn't hurt anyone in the process. That's got to count for something.
This weekend: kill the old lavender bush and take away the corpse. OR...prop it up while it's still alive. It has fallen over forward in the messiest imaginable way, across several other plants that were not quite as moribund as the lavender. They may be now, of course, since that floppy lavender bush is quite large and heavy, but we'd like to preserve them for as long as possible. In my book it's all a question of which one is likely to die first. Me and my pack stalk...then circle...then KILL that particular plant. It's the Way of Nature, you see. Heh.
Also this weekend: Plant the Flying Saucer morning glories I sprouted, and the little baby Salvia Patens too, if they're strong enough. The morning glories are from seeds I bought in the Netherlands, and they had red ones as well as blue Flying Saucers. I was tempted and I succumbed. We'll see how they grow. They look good so far.
birthday week