The jasmine is blooming so heavily that you can't see the leaves on the vines. The scent is very powerful; it rises up to the bedrooms windows (the vines are only a few feet under the windows) and the heady perfume fills the house at times.
I really have liked the hot weather, though it's not as comfortable for sleeping. The fan still works. It's fine. And the sound of the fan is soporific...Hot weather is good for improvised hoochie togs too. Just joking! Not really. Well, sort of. But not all the way.
This is the sage I mentioned before. It is taller than the birdbath now (which you can see in this photo if you look for it).
Victoria Falls iris. I have lots of this variety because 1) that is the name of a certain family member. Victoria, that is. And 2) they are blue.
Here are the itsy teensy toddly baby vegetaboo pwants. They are looking very flabby in the sudden heat, but they are better now and much larger.
Some MORE cineraria. They reseed and come back every year, the little scamps:
There is a tiny potted fuscia at the foot of this camilia tree. I am wondering how long it will last in the strawberry pot with no dranage. Going on four years, so far. I'll show you the flowers after this weekend.
Estoy muy feliz en mi jardín.
Oh look. Queen Latifah is on Biography.
I'll be in my bunk.