
Mar 10, 2009 17:30

good point.

from Tom Charity's CNN review of Watchmen:

"Visionary" director Zack Snyder, as the marketing would have it, has filmed Alan Moore's "unfilmable" graphic novel by treating the comic book panels as his storyboard and his Bible.

Doesn't it bother anyone that this is about as far from the definition of "visionary" as it's possible to get?

The visionary sees what others do not see. Snyder -- whose previous films were a remake ("Dawn of the Dead") and another scrupulously faithful comic book adaptation ("300") -- is more in the line of a fancy photocopier, duplicating other artists' imagery with a forger's intensity.

A visionary transforms the world. Snyder slavishly transcribes what's set down 5 inches in front of his face.

Alan Moore, who has refused to have his name on the movie (ditto its Moore-based predecessors, "V for Vendetta" and "The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen") and who has declined all reimbursement to protest the entertainment industry's fundamental lack of respect for intellectual property, counts as a bona fide visionary.
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