Well, for those of you uninterested in music...

Dec 11, 2004 03:00

This looks alot like a thingy I filled out earlier...But its different enough...Wow, I need sleep...no, that can wait.

[Name]: Patrick James Gordon
[Age]: 18
[Gender]: male
[Birthday]: 10-11-1986
[Nationality]: Celtic (mostly) and Native American. A pinch of french for good measure.

[Hair colour]: brown
[Hair style]: Hmm, how to put this...shaggy comes to mind, as does side-burned.
[Eye colour]: green or hazel, depending on the season.
[Skin colour]: Kinda tan, I guess
[Height]: 6'2"
[Weight]: Erm...I have no idea, but I guess somewhere around 175...
[Piercings]: 1 lobe in left...Sadly, I lost my earing, and I fear the hole may close...
[Usually Wears]: clothes. Nude really isn't my bag.

[Positive personality traits]: Sense of humor (here's hoping, eh?), intellegence, wit, caring...
[Non-positive personality traits]: rather indecisive, cynical, and I rock a measured level of apathy (that really contradicts the caring bit, huh? Well, that's why its measured. I care about people, just not too much about school), perhaps I'm a bit too self-conscience...
[Likes]: Music, Vid/ PC games, Good movies, my friends, books, GameCube...I'm such a fanboy. I'm not violent about it, though!
[Dislikes]: Being ignored, loneliness.
[Fears]: Spiders, and being alone.

.Family Life.
[Lives with]: Roommate Dan.
[Sibling(s)]: Rin, Mackenzie, Xander
[Pet(s)]: Hmm...2 dogs (one in each house hold) and a cat at Dad's
[Relationship with family]: Salright, though I butt heads with stepmom on occasion. And Mackenzie is a wee bit spoiled.

.::a dream is a wish your heart makes::.
[Your initials spell out]: Well, children, lets think this one out...If my first name is Patrick...Okay, its pjg!
[Have you ever owned a pet goldfish?]: many, many goldfish. They all rode the porcelain express in the end.
[Do you eat Goldfish?]: MMM, fish and ships. No. Unless we're talking the crackers, cuz those rock socks.
[Your favorite birthday memory]: I don't really have one. My birthdays of late have been pretty blah...
[Moment you're most proud of]: Making it to college.
[Moment you're most ashamed of]: Shit...I believe this has been covered in past entries. No need to say here.

Fill in the blanks, mofo. {Edit: dude, I'm so not a mofo. And, if you're gonna say it, say it right. According to the great Samuel L. Jackson, its Motha Fucka}
[Pirates are]: Bloody awesome.
[Don't be fooled by]: my slight flamboyancy. Nuff said? Yeah.
[I'm too sexy for my]: sideburns
[Courtney Love is]: creepy
[I'd like another]: cup of tea, please
[I don't understand]: how we (as a country) reelected dubya.
[Where have all the good people]: hidden their stuff? (why not, right?)
[Dude. Sweet. Dude. Sweet.]: AWESOME!!!
[Girls are]: rather mysterious, I dare say.
[Boys are]: simple, really.
[Only the _______ survive]: Insane
[Can I get a booyah?]: No, I really don't think so.

[Name?]: Hmmm...That was tricky. Testing to see if I forgot, huh? Well, I won't be fooled. My name is...You can call me Ishmale.
[Age?]: Well, this is a rather long survey, but I haven't aged...
[Location?]: RIT

[Have a boyfriend/girlfriend?]: Single for two...three years. (oof)
[Whats his/her name?]: Hello? Look up, dammit!
[Whats one word you could think of to describe them?]: Oh, I think you'd like them.
[Whats the best thing they've ever done for you?]: Begun to exist, mayhap?
[If you dont have a bf/gf, do you want one?]: Yeah, I really do. I want to know if I could manage it after all this time. Hopefully the last time weighs not so heavily upon me.

Fav movie?]: Hmm...Fight Club...Wait, no...Star Trek IV...Hmmm...So many....
[Fav person you know?]: Jeebus...I have no idea...Prolly Rin, cuz she rocks, and she finally beat Eternal Darkness!
[Fav food and drink?]: I could really use some Dad cooked meals right about now. Though Potato Soup is quite excellent.
[Fav shirt you own?]: The brown (beige?) shirt I'm totally rockin' now. That, or my "Let it Be" shirt. Ah, Beatles, you so awesome.
[Fav place you've been to?]: Lack of data makes this a difficult question. Kennebunk Beach, prolly.
[Fav colors?]: Green rocks the socks. Oh the socks that were rocked.
[Fav place to be?]: Hmm...Does the mushroom kingdom count? (That is not an obscure drug reference, but rather a Mario reference.) Hyrule is good too.
[Fav store?]: EB. Yeah, we spends far too much money there, precious. Why does they takes our money?
[Fav tv show?]: Quantum Leap or Star Trek: TNG
[Fav song?]: Hmmm...Changes by david Bowie always ranks fairly highly. But I really lack a definite fave.

[Pepsi or coke?]: Ummm...Sprite?
[Chocolate or vanilla?]: chocolate all the way
[Internet or phone?]: Erm...Internet, because it gives me a chance to make sure I am saying what I want. Damn social ackwardness.
[McDonalds or Burger King?]: Wendy's. (well played, Kara)
[Eminem or 50 cent?]: I'm not a big rap person, but Eminem gets my respect cuz he's cetainly got the skillz.
[Make up or no make up?]: Only on nights and weekends...I kid. No make up.
[Cat or dog?]: cat
[Spanish or French?]: German.
[Lights on or lights off?]: Sleep, off. Awake, night, no movie on, on. Movie, off. Yeah, I have a prefernce of not having preferences.
[Hungry or full?]: Well, lessee...I rather dislike the feeling of lethargia that accompanies being full, but I also rather dislike the aches that come with being hungry. Its all about eating until not...quite..full. Yeah right. I enjoy eating too much.
[Chocolate milk or hot chocolate?]: Hot Chocolate.

.Are you:.
[Suicidal?]: "only in the morning" (Ocean's 11) ;D Nope.
[Stubborn?]: not really.
[Open-minded?]: I really hope so.
[Arrogant?]: From time to time...
[Patient?]: I try, I really do.
[Hyper?]: When I'm bloody tired.
[Nice?]: That is a question to ask people who know me.
[Happy?]: I tend towards it, yeah
[Depressed?]: Not really, but I can have periods of sadness.

.With the opposite sex.
[Favorite eye color on the opposite sex?]: Green
[Hair color?]: I've always preferred darker hair, myself.
[Curly or straight?]: Hmm...A bit of curl is good. As is straight. So yeah. just not super curly, I guess.
[Tall or short?]: I think I might have a bit of an issue with a girl taller than me, but that really doesn't happen often.
[Red hair, blonde hair, brunette or other?]: Red or brunette, methinks.
[Pale tan or in the middle?]: Well, not creepy "escaped from morgue" pale. Nor burnt to a crisp tan. Middle or kinda pale, I suppose.

Would you?
[Shave your head for $1000?]: I like my hair. It took me a long time to get it to where I like it. But at the same time...$1000? That's hard.
[Eat a bug?]: NO!!!
[Be on fear factor?]: I'm kind of a pussy, so no.
[Kill yourself?]: Nope. I really don't believe that violence is the answer.
[Cut yourself if you were depressed?]: no. I don't like pain. It hurts.
[Turn goth?]: No. I find it far more entertaining and rebelious to defy any sort of fashion label. Oh, I'm a disco king! wait, a hippy...wait...He's wearing a flogging molly shirt...WTF??? See, its fun!
[Dress up as the opposite sex and go out in public as a dare?]: It would certainly be an adventure...I'd have to shave first.

.Your friends.
[Who do you rely on most and could trust with anything?]: Shit, I dunno. Maybe Hagen? Prolly Jared.
[Who's your best friend of the same sex?]: Hagen, Cat or Jared.
[Who's your best friend of the opposite sex?]: I don't really have many...Probably Amber at this point.

.Hobbies and stuff.
[What grade are you in?]: Firsty at RIT.
[What kind of grades do you make?]: Alright, I suppose. I got a 4.0 on 1st quarter, but that's never going to happen again.
[Do you like school?]: Yeah, there are fewer jerks here than in high school.
[Are you involved in any sports?]: Mario Kart? SSX?
[Whats your favorite subject?]: Math and science type courses are always fun. But Philosophy takes the cake.
[Whats your least?]: Physics, though it is mostly the professor. So perhaps Chem, though the professor this quarter is a vast improvement over last.

[Do you have alot of friends?]: Not really. At least close ones, anyway...
[What type of people do you hang out with?]: Breathing helps (sorry bout that...). Unless you've been a jerk to me, I'll prolly hang out with you.

[Do you make friends easily?]: I guess so.
[Are you outgoing or shy?]: Before I've talked to you...Really bloody shy. After that, I begin to open up more.
[Do people find you funny?]: People laugh at me. Thats a start, right? But seriously folks...I'll stop that there. I think I'm funny, but perhaps others do not. Tis all relative.
[Do you have a positive out look on life?]: I tend towards optomism, yeah.
[Do you like to listen to what people say?]: Unless it reaks of bullshit.

[Sport]: again with the Mario Kart...
[Car]: my maroon 91 camry back home. The first one is always special...
[Clothing]: Are they intact? Yes. Do they fit? To a reasonable degree... Good, they work.
[Shoes]: slippers. Its all about the mocasins.
[Book]: The Lord of the Rings, mayhap. But there are so many to choose from.

.Opposite Sex.
[What do you look for in a relationship?]: Intellegence, sense of humor, similar interests, stuff like that, you know?
[Looks or Personality?]: Personality, for as I've stated before, what good is a cardboard cutout? However, I must add, looks are like bonus points.
[Does it matter that he/she is a different race?]: Not at all.

.Goals in life.
[What do you plan on doing for employment later in life?]: The physics majors are going to war against the engineering majors. But beyond that, I dunno. maybe research. Yeah, I could be the real inventor of the warp drive!
[Do you want to get married?]: I believe so, but not until after school.
[Have kids?]: Yeah.
[If so, how many kids?]: 2
[What do you want to name your kids?]: I like a good Irish name. Aidan is always high up on the list. Fiona also ranks highly.
[If you dont want kids why not?]: I just said...never mind
[Do you plan on going to college?]: Lets think about the question for just two seconds, yes?
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