Caffeinated SCIENCE!

Jun 20, 2016 12:35

Though less science and more microeconomics. Certainly a follow-up to the previous entry.

I'm currently drinking the last batch of the aforementioned Country Samurai (about $32/lb. on their website, don't recall what I paid for it at their storefront). 4oz. beans yielded four 12-kup pots (one kup being 6 fl. oz., my clever terminology here), so that's four 72 fl. oz. batches per pound.

By comparison, MermaidCorp's website lists a 12 fl. oz. serving (whatever obfuscating term they use for it) at $1.75, which works out to $10.50 per 12-kup pot and thus $42 per pound of beans. Even if you want to minimize unit price with the 20 fl. oz. serving at $2.25, that still works out to just over $32/lb....for a product of much lower quality. And, as the Internet pointed out, without the extra cost of gas or the temptation to buy any baked goods.

If memory serves, I'm typically spending around $10/lb. for beans from the farmer's market. I used to feel a little guilty spending more than $20/lb. That's not going to be the case in the future.
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