(no subject)

Sep 25, 2005 15:34

LJ Interests meme results

  1. anti-war:
    ummm, well, im anti war. thats kinda it...
  2. buttlin's boob scar:
    Its a work of art.
  3. duffy robbins:
    A really cool christian speaker that i like.
  4. giuliani:
    Possibly the only politician that i actually admire. and hes a republican! go figure.
  5. kanye west:
    really good music. really good messages.
  6. midnight vultures:
    to this day one of the best albums ever made.
  7. no doubt:
    they WERE really cool, but g.s. is a sell-out (gwen stefani)
  8. richard jefferson:
    a really good basketball player on the coolest team.
  9. the nets:
    the coolest team. sucks that theyre from new jersey, my second least favorite state
  10. yankees:
    a really cool team, and ... theyre cool... yup...

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