
Jan 17, 2005 11:28

The weekend was... interesting.

Got up way too early for a satruday since we were going to inspect a possible location for a local con; Treecon. We went from Hilversum to Schiedam to pick up Hiryu, then to Ossendrecht to where the place is. It's a very nice location, I'll give that.
Hiryu also gave me a bokken he had ordered for me, I was looking for one and I really like it too :D (Hmmmm.. scent of cherrywood good).

Then from Ossendrecht back to Rotterdam to pick up Gryphe, to Schiedam to drop off Hiryu and then to Delft, where I would be waiting a bit at Jonesys' place while Pegla dropped Gryphe off home again. He wasn't really feeling all that well.

Finally, all of us ended up at Jose's in DenHaag, where we had our little 'fund-raiser dinner'. The idea was, we'd all pitch in the money we'd reasonably spend on eating out in a decent place and then go and get something deep-fried at the snackbars. The leftover money would go to the fund for the victims of the tsunami. After that we watched some Simpsons dvds, Johnny English and goofed off a bit before going home.

On sunday, Spikey dropped by. Pegla and me were a bit occupied on CoH, seeing as I had planned in a few things I wanted to get and do, and Sunday was the only day I would have the time for it.
Eventually, I didn't manage either.
My snowman hunt was cut short due to lack of interested help and the secret Striga Taskforce went as such:

Hess: You need 6 more heroes to help me.
Me: Ok, here, there's seven of us, lay it on.
Hess: Sorry, but some of your members are not meeting my standards.
Me: What standards, you council-traitor. We could just turn you in with your boss, or arrest you.
Hess: No go!
Me: Ok, we dropped one, gimme!
Hess: Ok, go here and do this.

*We all go and do the mission*
*mission resets*
*We all go and do the mission*
*mission resets*
*We go to Hess and tell him to stuff it.*
Me: You're an idiot.
Hess: I'm sorry, but I want to talk to your team leader.

So... Gamed lots, accomplished nothing :/

Today is boring and tomorrow I have to go to the hospital for another IV with medication.

The Great LiveJournal
Outage of 2005

During the outage I went out to socialize and ended up spraining my ankle very badly. I should sue LJ for having downtime and thus causing me to have to go out in the world, which inevitably caused my accident.

What did you do?

Brought to you by geek-foo

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