
Jan 17, 2006 14:27

    As many of you have known for some time (thanks to bruisefairy) I am pregnant. Yeah for me!!! Everything so far is A OK with the little one, so that deserves a sigh of relief. I have been tested for EVERYTHING under the sun, and so far all test results have come back normal or with in normal range (depending on the type of test). Yippee!! Another bit of good news is that I had a pap done, and this time around I do not have any abnormal cells (danm things) on my cervix and I am still offically cancer free!!! One less thing for me to have to worry about. My current docs (and yes I mean several, as I have eight doctors at three different offices taking care of me) have gone over my records from my last pregnancy and have found that the cause for the loss of my daughter was due to three "full" knots (as they call it) in the umbilical cord. So this time around once I get to 28 weeks I will have to lay down every hour to make sure the little one is still moving and kicking around. They say she should move at least 3-4 times an hour and if this ever decreases (sp?) or increases I have to give the docs a call and go from there. Keeping my fingers and toes crossed.   
     I have had 3 ultrasounds done so far, so I have several pics of the little one, which I will try to post some time in the future. I have also been told the sex of the baby, and it's another girl. Shannon and I have come up with names, but we aren't entirely sure which one we will end up using. Not that the two we have picked out are all that diffierent, but we still haven't come to a final decision. The names will either be Flora Elizabeth Prue or Elizabeth Flora Prue. I've already taken to calling her Lizzy, so either name is fine with me.
    Other than all the other normal pregnancy crap, I haven't really been up to all that much. Just eating, (which seems to consume more and more of my time with each passing day) working, and sleeping. Sounds like fun, don't it??  I will be coming down to FL sometime in the spring for my baby shower, but I haven't set a date yet. As soon as I do, I'll let everyone know. Hope all is going well for everyone. Miss everyone more than I can say.

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