Sep 30, 2010 19:46
I'm reading an article on the ability of Marxism as practiced in China to mold one's mind into a kind of social status. That you work a certain job, or get 'political education' a certain way, and come out on the other end being ready to move toward the proletariat revolution. Huh.
LIfe's been good in the ol' UofMN so far. Not so much with the being creative, as life here is mostly geared toward ingesting a lot of reading and writing very small summaries of it. Comparatively, the workload at Iowa State was a bit harder. Still, I'm looking forward to really using a library with significant resources and doing research on things that relate more toward my interests.
I've attended a fair amount of lectures so far, but nothing really affiliated with the history department. It's a huge department, and I know people here and there, but by and large, it's the kind of department that you can work next to people and never ever talk to them. The best connections I've made so far are with people from the Asian Languages and Literature department, and various undergrads that I teach. I think that's how I work, though--maybe not the best friends with people who have the same interests as me. Hmmm.
Anyway, more with the reading. More with the writing.