Tempted? Not fucking likely.

Mar 12, 2007 18:54

WITHIN TEMPTATION's new album is the most dull and generic album I have heard from the metal stable in ages.

I mean seriously, are they even trying?  I'm sure they must have shat this one out in their sleep.  I fucking hate lazy music.

My arse could certainly make less predictable tunes.  But probably wouldn't sell many copies :(

Can't remember a single tune, bar the head bludgeoning "What Have You Done What Have You Done What Have You Done What Have You Done What Have You Done WHAT HAVE YOU DONE NOW"

It's not shite, like new SIRENIA shite, it's just... a nothing.

It's the nothing from Neverending Story in musical form.  But without the endearing rock monster, or Falcor the flying dragon, or Atreyu atop his trusty steed.

No, It's a vacuous, soulless, perfectly produced, saccarine coated musical black hole.  Why don't they just collaborate with Amy Lee and Avril Lavigne and have done with it?

Thank god the album has just finished.  I was having an awful time resisting the urge to join a bridge club, before dousing myself in petrol and setting light to my head.

OK I'm done now.
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