Jan 26, 2008 07:41
it's been awhile since i've written anything of substance in here. i refrained from substance-writing for a reason. but, i've been giving that reason a lot of thought these past couple months, and now i've come to realise that it's very unhealthy for me to repress my thoughts to the confines of my skull. i mean, i talk about my thoughts to the few friends i have... and while that helps... there's a sense of finality i get from writing it all out and publicising it. i get to "move on", as it were.
i have every right to publicise the events in my life, along with my opinions about those events. if you do something that affects me, and you don't want it publicised, make yourself available to discuss the topic with me over the phone or in person. better yet, call me, lest i might have the notion that my call to you is unwelcome.
email (or any other form of text communication) is no substitute, really... they're nothing but soapboxes that tempt the behaviour of grandstanding, possibly making a difficult diplomatic situation irrepairable. they are not discussions. this is why world leaders and diplomats have summits... because if it were all left to email, text messaging, letter writing and/or blogs like Livejournal, we would probably all be dead by now.
and, chances are, i would not be publicising such delicate matters after having a REAL discussion about them. because, chances are, the matter would be resolved by the end of the discussion, making it a topic no longer emotionally worthy of a blog entry. i will respect your sensitivities as long as you respect mine.
anyway, with that said... i'm a little nervous to say it, but i feel righteous in doing so: i hereby give myself permission to pubicise the events of my life and my opinions about that which affect me. if that statement bothers you, do us a favour and don't read my journal... take me off your "friends list" and go find out which Pokemon best describes someone else. i absolutley will not mind one bit.
...because you should never feel obligated to read ANYONE'S writings. you should read only if you A) enjoy reading the author's work or B) care enough about the author to read about the things that matter to them. the tricky thing about "B" is... if you have a problem with the author, yet you would be unwilling to have an actual DISCUSSION about it with them, i think you can throw "B" right out the window. please don't fool yourself or anyone else by thinking otherwise.
if these past 2 months have taught me anything, it's this: any relationship that is strictly or mostly online is NOT a friendship. they're pen-pals... acquaintances, at best... which is a really SHITTY substitute for an actual friendship. it was a hard lesson for me to learn, believe me. but it empowers me to know this... who my true friends are, who my acquaintances are, and who my pen-pals are... instead of being all confused and disoriented when a "friend" treats me like shit.
bottom line is... i'm back, and i have plenty to write about :D woot!