The Student Debt Crisis that has been going on, quietly for decades....
Occupy Student Debt is a tumblr with an overwhelming flow of people drowning in student debt, some for decades. I "followed" it for a day, but couldn't handle the sheer mass of it all streaming past all day every day. So much suffering.
It's no accident that young people are tricked into all of this "good debt" at the beginning of their adult lives.
- People who are in debt need steady work. People who need steady work are good for capitalism.
- People who are accustomed to being in debt, live beyond their means, and buy things that they wouldn't buy otherwise, which is good for capitalism.
- People who are in debt pay lots of money (often 100% or more of the original amount loaned over time) to banks which is good for capitalism.
- Capitalism is a few people making lots of money by doing nothing but having money and taking a slight risk, while the rest of us toil and worry and work jobs that we hate, to be able to live inside or feed ourselves.