(no subject)

Aug 25, 2007 22:31

I sort of expected to be devastated by this seemingly sudden abandonment. Instead I am in a constant state of waiting, like that peculiar woman who waits for a bus that never comes. My time is taken up by activities and necessities. I don't think about the waiting because dwelling accomplishes nothing, if not making the wait longer. But I notice things, I remember them - strange pieces left behind to remind me, pieces I normally wouldn't see. The green and orange corner of a granola wrapper. The dim starlight trying to make its way past the city light. Every jangle of keys at the window or older ford ranger in that particular shade of red.

I'm tired. I could hibernate out the rest of the summer. I sometimes think that the rest of my life will be tired and this is only the beginning. My belly is stretched and heavy. An unfamiliar burden. The kicks are frequent now. I am so tired.
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