Fuck this fuck fuck omg :'))))))))))))) Can't BREATHE.

Mar 05, 2011 02:33


So I wasn't gonna post for a while, but, but, BUT, an arrow has struck my heart and now my love is bleeding all over the place, tears down my face, and wtf is going on!? I don't think I have ever seen anything so in tune with my own life so far. This sang to me fucking sang.

immortality immortality  was so right about Utena and Anthy, they are wonderful, but it's not particulary the love story but the message of the whole thing that really struck me so hard. I love you Revolutionary Girl Utena. I can't  even right now. Like I only watched the movie, and through all that cracked up anaolgy I was like OH SHT this is beautiful. It is in it's essence coming out, fighting conformity, allowing yourself to break free and be. GAH I CAN'T EVEN. I don't have words. JuST FEELINGS SO MANY FEELINGS.



watch this show bastards!, crying a river, movies, yuri, geeky, bawl bawl bawl, ghey, crack, feelings

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