May 10, 2006 23:02
I am in Love... and it feels so grand to know that i am most deffinately Loved for who I am ...
not for what i look like or what i can do or anything dumb like that but soley on who i am :)
I Love Yashira.. and I think I might just end up Marry-ing her......
she wrote me a poem and well.. I loved it i think i left a entry about this on my last post? anyways.. doesnt matter to me.. hmm..
like i said for my topic of this entry...
"its just this simple...."
I Am In Love With an amazingly amazing girl....
I got A pay raise at work
Im getting the hours i want..
and i may be moving out into some townhouses around here.. :) yeah man!!!
well good night and bye for now all!!
Andrew CLarke Haney