aaaah hello there fellow boneyard inhabitants! just wanted everyone to know that the official site is up [click the banner above] and running! not all the sections are up, but cast profiles are so check 'em out if you're curious about the fighters =) filia illustration and sg banner courtesy of
now i've tested the site in the following browsers : mozilla | ie | firefox | netscape | opera and it seems to work fine, with no problems. but! if you do find some please tell me and i'll fix it as soon as possible, as well as inform if the site looks off in other browsers i've not tested. also i tried to make it so it's not too much of a burden on dial-up but i'm honestly not sure how long it'll load for 56kers and i apologize for that >_<
||things in the works
emlan has mentioned to have the popups resizable! i'll get to that tonight!
::info pages for the game setting and storyline is coming up!
::staff profiles for the less than three <3 crew! i dunno what we want for it, information wise, but i was thinking we can all have little caricatures [or if you want actual photos] to show for our profiles ; ;; whatever works!
::i need to do the rollover images and preloaders
jules sent me!
::for the splash page alex suggested we could have a different top image randomly change and in the layout style of
arma eater! the splash page that is currently up at the site is just temporary, once we get enough images together we'll put it up =)
special note about skullradio! i just added it as a little treat for our visitors and if any of the rest of the team wishes to add any of their own music that they feel inspires them in anyway during the project feel free to do so! if you need the program to convert the .mp3s into .rbs [for people who have not used radioblog before] i have uploaded the necessary programs
here just save all the folders and applications. sorry, but for some reason i'm not able to upload .zips anymore ... T^T; when you convert the mp3 into a .rbs just upload the .rbs into the sounds folder in the site!
now bandwidth wise we're currently using 82.7mb out of 25000mb so if having a radioblog is eating too much bandwidth by the end of the month i will be glad to move it to a subdomain at my own site for anyone to upload music and whatnot.
that's all i can think of right now, but yes! please check the site out! cheers and enjoy =)