(no subject)

May 02, 2008 20:46

And now it's time for...


Seriously, though. If you're not familiar with the game Katamari Damacy, check out the wikipedia page. Or search it on YouTube. It's not hard to grasp the concept.

So, the Katamari Soul Theory.

It can be summed up quite simply: soul = Katamari.

To explain in more detail... All living things have a soul/spirit/essence/spark/fuckwhat. When you're born, you start off with a tiny bit of soul obtained from your parents. As you go through life, you pick up other bits of soul, adding them to yours, until finally you die and the soul bits you collected eventually get picked up by other soul-Katamari. (Insert bardkris's comment about running into objects larger than oneself and having bits fly off in a comical manner.)

The easiest and most common way to pick up soul-bits is through ingestion and digestion. You are what you eat, as the saying goes. There are likely other ways to pick up soul-bits, but this is by far the easiest and most efficient. And yes, eating a nail clipping from a still-living person would count as picking up a former soul-bit of theirs. All that shit about locks of hair and "voodoo dolls?" Yea, runs along those lines.

There's really no competition...having a larger soul-Katamari will do nothing for you. Nor really can you attempt to collect only certain types of soul-bits...sure, you may spend the rest of your life eating apples, but those apples contain soul-bits that have been recycled from pretty much all other soul-Katamaris...eventually. There's no "type" of soul-bit. A soul-bit is a soul-bit. They're all the same. Even saying "Be more mindful of what you eat" is probably a moot point.

Hence why I show absolutely no interest in past lives. In a past life, I was everything on this planet. More recently, whatever naturally-derived substances eventually formed that Dr. Pepper I drank at dinner.

religion, musings

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