(no subject)

Feb 26, 2015 02:04

I get unreasonably upset seeing artist friends end up drawing nothing but trashy porn because that's the only thing they can get enough money to support themselves on for art. UGH...

Breaks my heart, and I only get some meager bucks here and there to offer a well paid commission to 'draw any of my characters that strike you, the designs are super flexible, do whatever'..I want to give artists that same open ended, artistic love that I ENJOY from my own paid commissions...

Just..I wish so many of these people could live on drawing the cool things they LIKE to draw instead, sad that really zero artistic porn pays SO MUCH better...

Not saying adult artwork is BAD, or artists can't enjoy it. That's COOL. Just sad seeing artists that really want to draw X subject but keep having to resort to nothing but forcefully directed paid porn, because that's all the buyers ask for..

Sounds like you? I am so sorry..I'll try to throw a nice commission in the future..take my money and don't draw terrible rainbow striped dog tuars who complain that 'you didn't angle this sex scene in just a way to get the FULL tattoo on my back!' No one deserves that treatment...
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