Red lights

Jun 27, 2011 11:30

Three red light cycle experiences this weekend -- none of them mine, although the serious one could easily have been.

On my way home on Friday, traffic stopped at a crossroads, girl just ignores the red light, cycles straight out through the pedestrians. On my way to work this morning, same crossroads, guy does exactly the same. Happily a passer by challenged the girl and this morning I challenged the guy. Neither of them stopped but you have to hope that if you get challenged every time you do it, you'll eventually change. It pisses me off because bad drivers cite this kind of thing to justify their cycle hate.

Then on Saturday evening, bottom of Argyle Place. There's a mildly complicated cycle system with traffic lights. Essentially it's another crossroads with cyclists going north-south and cars going east-west. The lights make sure it's always one or the other, never both.

An average cyclist bloke waits for the green light and then crosses the road. He's halfway across when a car screams through the red light, passes about a foot from his front wheel, and blasts the horn repeatedly at him as it recedes into the distance without stopping. The cyclist is seriously shaken. I guess from the honking that the driver didn't even notice the lights.

Cycle defensively eh.
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