020 || voice; japanese [REBOOT]

Jul 13, 2010 13:08

[There's a great deal of noise in the background when the recording clicks on - debris crashing, explosions, the like. Amidst all the din, there's the panicked-sounding voice of a teen girl, probably familiar to some, out of breath from running:]

Hey! Hey, can anyone hear me on this?! I'm - [CRASH] - it's - [BOOM] - sheesh, what the -

[BANG. The transmission cuts out surrounded by a sharp garbled audial mess.]

[[ooc - sob, what a way to come back. ._. commentlogs for finding the derp are fine too! chie's in the seaport area, near horton and brebo, attempting to make her way toward the latimir apartments.]]

.shinjiro aragaki, .yosuke hanamura, .death the kid, .sonic the hedgehog, this is not precisely as intended, i need your halp, lavos at the disco, .souji seta, .teddie, social links are where, .grit, .patchouli knowledge, not this again gdit, clearly this is all yosuke's fault, audio

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