Drabbles;; Food & Noonas

Dec 22, 2010 21:02


Two drabbles with the theme of noonas and food. Onew/Boram and Hyori/Hyunjoong. Just some fluff to balance all the angst that I wrote haha =]


Onew/Boram =)


"Oh, you dropped something." Onew catches up with the owner of the small but decent sized pouch in the back hallway, putting it into her arms before she can run away.

Onew defines the phrase 'good person.'

He wishes he wasn't. He wishes he could be seen as careless, nonchalant towards life, nonchalant towards woman. But he can't fight it. Every bone in his body is good natured, no matter how much he hates it.

"Wow, it's my food bag, thanks Onew-shi!" Boram smiles sweetly at him and her smile is so radiating that Onew shuts his eyes shut in haste.

"Food bag? What is that?" He blinks repeatedly, but she's still smiling and he's a moment from going blind. They walk in sync, down the hall and Onew puts a reactionary arm around her when two burly men walk around the corner carrying bulks of boxes right for Boram before he pulls her away.

"Don't tell anyone, but it's where I keep all my snacks. I'm not supposed to eat anymore, it goes against my diet but I smuggle some around with me at all times." It's only when she giggles and looks at him shyly that Onew blushes back and wishes he hadn't because that's not what cool guys are supposed to do around pretty, petite, polite noonas.


"You think I'm weird, don't you?" she wails, exasperated. Onew can't help it, he raises an eyebrow and smirks.

"No, actually. I think a food bag is a brilliant idea. I might have to get me one of those sometime."

The smirk is still on his face and Boram beams brightly again and offers the bag into Onew's hands as a peace offering.

"Or we could just share this one, Onew-sshi." Onew smiles back and this time his smile is equally as blinding. Sometimes it pays to be the good boy.

"So what's on the menu today?"



Hyunjoong/Hyori <3333


"Hyunjoong-ah. I'm bored. Buy me something yummy to eat."

Her voice is so cheery and warm, it immediately brings Hyunjoong out of his usual, overworked, drained slumber break.

"Ah, noona. I can't right now I am the middle of shooting."

"Joongie-ah. Don't you love your noona anymore?"

Hyunjoong pulls the phone away from his ear for a second, catches the cough stuck in his throat.

"Um, of course I do noona. If I had the time right now I would transform myself and be a lifetime's time worth of food for you."

He can hear her cackling all over the place on the other line, and he feels sheepish.

"Oh, you've been acting in too many dramas- I think it's starting to rub off on you."

"Sorry, noona. I can come buy to your place after work if you want and bring you something. It might be a little late though..." his voice trails off, stuck in his throat as he imagines himself going to her apartment in the middle of the night and her wearing nothing but a nightgown. Or his t-shirt-

"That's okay, Joongie-ah. Don't worry about it, ok?"

"Okay, sorry."

"Besides, I am sure Kyujong is up to nothing now, I'll just ask him. Good luck with your shooting today, hmm?" Her voice is filled with such cheeriness and that honey filled charm that he's missed for so long that he almost doesn't hear the words she says until his eyes practically pull of their sockets.

"Noona! Don't bother Kyujong. You know what, I've got an hour before taping resumes, I'll come bring you something to eat right now, okay? How does ddeokbokki sound? Hmmm? I'll pick some on the way." Hyunjoong finds himself pacing down the street into the parking lot, suddenly finding the energy to talk a mile a minute.

"I am kind of in the mood for jjajangmyun more-"

"Okay, I'm on it. Just don't call Kyujong okay? I'm on my way!" He vaguely hears her giggling on the other end as he rushes towards his car, trying to remember where Hyori's favorite place to eat jjajangmyun was at.

Hook, line and sinker.


End. ^^

status: drabble, group: shinee, pairing: hyunjoong/hyori, group: t-ara, group: ss501, pairing: onew/boram, character: hyori, rating: g

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