Pixie Tent

Mar 03, 2015 23:13

Pixie Tent;; PG

small warning of abuse IF you interpret it that way. idk take it as you will!

Punishment. Krystal's life lately is a recurring theme of punishment and quite simply, it bores her.

She kicks her feet up on the edge of the chair stools where those yelling at her behind imposing desks can't see. It's the same speech over and over again.

"Are you happy here?"

- no

"You won't ask for termination of your contract just because your sister is gone right?"

- maybe

"You won't get into a scandal like Sulli has right?"

- yes

"You know this hiatus is the best for you guys right now, right?"

- never

Krystal turns into a yes man. A real people pleaser, and she tells the guys in formal black ties and suits whatever it is they want to hear with a pert smile. They punish her by making her stick around the offices more; she concerns them.

Krystal's never been committed for sickness but she supposes keeping three eyes on her at a time is more suffocating than being sent off to a mental institution.

Punishment. She lingers around the trainee halls more these days in a lurking shadow of nostalgia and jealousy. Yearning for the past and reminiscing the more wholesome moments her job promised to offer, but also the naïveté permeating throughout these rooms. Hope, dreams, goals, ambitions. Krystal doesn't have ambitions anymore. The trainees bow to her in fear and admiration and she feels sick from all the respect being tossed in her direction. So she laughs at it behind their backs.

She has a favorite. She picks him rather quickly because he looks like a mix of everyone she's ever been close to before. Minho, Myungsoo, Kai - he's even got some Jaejoong in him, and Krystal observes his face in great interest, wondering how many visits to the SM surgeon he was forced to take to get that final level of superficial perfection.

Krystal plants a chair against the sky blue drop background and commemorates it as her throne.

"Taeyong," she always says his name slow like a chant. To her it sounds alluring and hopeful; to him it's a towering menace.

He practically bows at her feet. He's obedient just like she expects him to be. Like a dog. A mere pet. Krystal knows she's still a nice girl but there's something about Taeyong that makes her want to break him in two.

"My feet are sore. Practice sucks." she offers and he bends down fast and noiselessly. It's almost like he doesn't actually exist even when she can feel the knots on her soles dissipate, warm baby knuckles kneading all her worries away. Some lost fingers accidentally tread too high up her ankles and a remnant of an actual human being can be felt when he eyes her precariously, flickering his fingers back to the bottom of her feet again to massage, and only her feet.

"You have no idea what it's like to be famous." she tells him depressingly. He doesn't respond, but it's kind of stupid to pretend like he isn't going to be huge. He embodies fame; he's a walking caricature of it and Krystal almost resents just how beautiful he truly is.

Sometimes she thinks she catches a sneer from his pretty crafted face when she throws him a ten for all his good work, but it's gone as quickly as she imagines it.

"I heard you were an internet bully," she tries a different manner of talking to him one day after she makes him buy her a crate of soda. It's raining outside and he's drenched and he's still careful to not get any of part of Krystal wet when he arrives with it. He places the crate in front of her and flips his wet locks to the side, catching her eye, taken aback from her segue into a conversation.

He looks like something out of a manga; Krystal has a fleeting moment of wanting to jump his bones. He flips his hair again before answering.

"I've grown up since then."

"I'd take it you find my hierarchical commands to be pretty tame then compared to what you can do," Krystal waits for him to change face, be Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde in one go. It doesn't come. "How come you just go along with what I say then?"

"Like I said. I've grown up."

The roles reverse a bit and he watches her, watches her shift in her throne uncomfortably, watches her take in his manly appeal and the glorification of the lump in his throat.

"Bully me back," she requests and Krystal crosses her legs in anticipation. Taeyong and Krystal. Bonnie and Cyde. Completely destructive together. She could see it now.

"I respect you a lot, sunbaenim." he bows again, tsundere eyes stern and goes back to practice.

Krystal feels lost for the first time in ages.

When Taeyong debuts, his eyes sparkle on stage but his personality is devoid of any emotion. The media calls him a robot. Krystal secretly considers this a reversal in justice.

Krystal visits her throne one last time when her hiatus ends as a last goodbye, only to be surprised by it's current occupant.

"Taeyong," she says out of habit. He smiles like he shouldn't and doesn't bow. It's an empty practice room but it's very obvious that he owns the place.

"You've changed." she assesses, when he doesn't say anything back in true form. He places two fingers on his lips in deep consideration.

"Now that i've debuted, I can finally tell you the truth." he decides, standing up. He towers over Krystal. It's the first time she realizes his height - she was so used to seeing him from a lowly stance before.

"And that is?"

"You're not a bitch Krystal. You just try to be." he reaches over and cusps one of her unsuspecting hands into his own, lightly kissing the top of each finger in a dramatic gesture, "anyone can see how nice you are. and how much you fail to hide it."

"Really?" Krystal scoffs, but her hand is betraying her, feeling sweet and loved and a complete victim to romance. "so what does that make you?"

"Now me? I'm the real thing. I don't think you want to get on my actual bad side, sunbaenim." he curls his fingers around her wrist in a tight grip, so forceful Krystal feels the blood pulsating backwards through her body. She nods her head, submissive, no, -even, and when he bites his dainty lips giving her a big old smile Krystal assumes this is the beginning of a beautiful relationship.


- pixietent/punishment ->i took some liberties with krystal here bc we all know she's a complete angel 24/7 irl lol but also i mostly wrote this bc i think taeyong is sooo cute he needs to debut alr and you know reasons

group: sm rookies, pairing: taeyong/krystal, rating: pg, character: krystal, group: f(x)

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