What causes us to seek the truth or authenticity?

Apr 29, 2013 08:52

I was talking about this with a friend of mine recently; we have a mutual friend that likes to throw out ideas that make you think.

This is my brain cooker, what makes people like the any of the reconstructionist groups or most heathens different? What causes us to seek the truth or authenticity?

Why are we not happy with worshiping the great Mr. Potato head?

Is it our deities that drive us?

What causes me and people like me to choose to slog through some very dry books, in an effort to find out more about a people who for the most part are extinct?

Usually I can see in myself what makes me different, either inwardly or outwardly. I suppose in this instance I'm NOT different. There is no nugget in my personality that I can point to and say, yep there it is, that's it.

Is it that I like to read? If that were it, I could read all of Llewellen's products and be happy, and not (for the most part) find authenticity.

Perhaps it was the way I was raised, if I asked my mom how to spell a word, she would just tell me to look it up. If I asked about something on the news, there was a good chance that I would be told to look it up. Of course I had access to a dictionary and a mini-encyclopedia at the house, for more I would have to wait 'til I went to school.

I was telling my friend that I wrote reports on the Celts and Druids in high school. I couldn't tell you what was in the reference books that I used. I remember being frustrated that there was little info, the books were dismally emaciated. Then there was Bullfinches mythology which had the meager two chapters on the Druids (which are horribly in accurate).

Maybe there was some knowledge gleaned from those books that kept me from being truly comfortable with Douglas Monroe, Edain McCoy or DJ Conway. I read DJ Conway's Celtic Magic in a night and immediately after finishing thought to myself, "that didn't seem right."

Then again I also loved Indiana Jones, and his desire to put all the treasures he found in a museum, though now I think I would prefer to give them back to their people. Yet he was always seeking the truth and always had arcane knowledge of languages or peoples.

What about the X-Files? Scully always doubted Mulder, Scully always wanted that rational explanation while Mulder always believed. The shows moto could have something to do with it, "The truth is out there."

Maybe it was my parents just telling me to look it up, and Indy's high adventure and search for treasure and X-Files, "The truth is out there," that makes me want to find the truth. Is that the same for all Recon's? I'm not sure that I can point at them and say the same. Something set us apart and makes us crave the truth. We don't find comfort with *just* Unverified Personal Gnosis. We like some firm foundation of moldy tomes to build our UPG upon.

mulder, scully, indiana jones, recon, heathen

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