It was more than a week ago now, but I still haven't completely unpacked all my shit from our three days in Minneapolis with my parents. I'm a slob, I know. There's a suitcase still half-filled with clutter sitting up in the hall and a couple of shop bags are still floating around the dinner table. Amazing what I can't be bothered with, isn't it?
We had a brilliant time with the folks. Mom didn't hit me once, even though I did drop at least a couple of f-bombs that I can recall. I guess absence makes the ears grow tolerant. Regardless, we all laughed a LOT, goofed around with practically no agenda, and enjoyed each other's company. You can't spell "success" any better than that.
Our hotel was right by the Mall of America, and if you include sleeping time, I'd guess we spent more time at the Mall than we did in our respective rooms. I can't help loving that stupid place. It's completely ridiculous, which may be why I feel so comfortable there. My one regret is that we couldn't have scheduled their trip for this upcoming weekend. Mall of America on Halloween? Who needs drugs?
Trip highlight: Sunday lunch at
Noodles & Co. Damn, but I wish we had one of those places around here. Luka had the best Tomato Basil Bisque either of us had ever swallowed, and I had some grilled penne (Pasta Fresca) that I wasn't sharin' with nobody.
We saw Where the Wild Things Were (smelled more than saw it, actually . . . watch your step!), but ended up having more fun with an advanced screening of Astro Boy. Did the zoo, too (whoo!). And probably the most fun, yours truly, the man who drives and makes deliveries for a living, got lost at least four times! In fact, I almost couldn't find my way home when the trip was over. You know you're in good company when getting lost is just as entertaining as being anywhere specific.