Just when I thought television was over for me.

Jun 08, 2009 13:21

Right off the bat, let me thank ninjaguydan  for tipping me off to the great news that Comedy Central, perhaps as a way to make up for past sins, has ordered 13 episodes worth of Futurama!  This, at least as it impacts my household, is thrilling.  I know my friends list is replete with fans of the show, so we have much celebrate.  Luka's gonna be so overjoyed that, if she reads this first, I'll likely get jumped the moment I get home.  And here I was fully meaning to get the laundry started; I got quarters and everything.

I guess it's a good thing we got the cable working again.  It was being a tedious trial to my temperament for weeks, and I rankle at having to pay top digital dollar for services that should work but don't.  Last weekend I had the cable repair guy drop in to work on the mess, and a few days after he left, it started working fine again.  How does that work anyway?  Is it because I didn't tip the guy that the repair took four days to take?  I'm never sure if I'm supposed to tip these guys or not.  He certainly was taking his time making his exit, asking if there was anything else, if I had plans for the rest of the day, could I remember what President was on the twenty, etc.  Without meaning to, he left his crescent wrench on my DVD player.  The rest of the day I was expecting him to show back up to retrieve it . . . and ask if perhaps I had forgotten something.

I know I pay too much for cable.  I'm embarrassed to tell my parents how much I spend on television because I envision them gripping their chests in shock over my disregard to some kind of old-world thrift.  And every so often I look at one of these bills and say, "Screw it.  From now on, it's downloaded anime and DVDs from Amazon."  But then HBO puts up a new season of In Treatment and they've got me for another two months.  In a world where there's one born every minute, I like to think of myself as a Charms Blow-Pop.

If you haven't heard about Showtime's latest way to keep me sending them checks, it's Nurse Jackie.  Granted, I'll keep forking out dough to Showtime as long as they keep coming up with seasons of Dexter, but this Nurse Jackie show has me pretty hooked with just two episodes out there.  Can't go wrong with a show built around Edie Falco, I guess.  Heard a great NPR interview with her about the show and she just flippin' charmed me.

I know I should have more interesting things to go on about beyond what I stare at from my couch, but it's been tough overcoming inertia lately.  Long work days, sore muscles and the depressing tone of the news have sent me home with little more energy than what's needed to work a remote.  I should really do better than that.  I don't want to start building suspension bridges out of popsicle sticks in my back yard, but I don't want to be the guy who comes home from work, flops down on the couch and changes channels with one hand while the other goes down the front of his boxers.  In fact, I don't want to know that guy.  I'm certainly not shaking his hand.

One more thing that's returned the magic to TV, though.  The Man Himself, long ago, introduced me the joys of MST3K.  I thought those days were gone forever, but baby, they're back!  Rifftrax, ladies and gentlemen.  Da Boyz are back, and this time everythings fair game.  Just check out some of the previews if ya don't believe me.  The Satelite of Love is back up and broadcasting.  It may be time to re-cushion the couch.

tv, the man himself

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