Sep 10, 2008 14:05
My boss was griping about his kid to someone while I was punching in yesterday. Really going off. As I'm gathering up my pad and such, he's wrapping up his rant and starts walking by. Since he knows I heard all that, he decides to officially bring me into the conversation by throwing out, "You're lucky you don't have kids."
"It's called a vasectomy. Luck has nothing to do with it." I always love throwing out the snip comment. It's good for a double-take every time. You can see 'em saying in their head, "Kidding? No . . . really!?!"
Here's another actual quote that I got this morning from a guy signing for a packet of lotto tickets at a convenience store:
"Isn't it a beautiful morning? You know somebody's gonna fuck it up." Straight face. Beautiful.
Here's a poser:
I pull up in a turn lane behind a car with a big bumper sticker that says, "FOLLOW ME TO HOOTERS." Where we eventually ended up was Home Depot. Can I sue?
Luka and I are wrapping up our Rise of the Runelords campaign tonight after several months of, I'd have to say, some pretty good story telling. You have to love it when one of Luka's characters, a mage-hunter on a mission to stop the evil wizard from taking over the world, finishes the climactic battle by rolling a natural 20 with her magebane bow and exploding said evil wizard's head! It don't get much more satisfying than that, boys and girls. My love may be a mild-mannered Canadian-born kitten-cuddler by day, but threaten Faerun with an army of enslaved giants and she'll hand you your CR21 ass on a platter.
I'm thinking I'll take a day or two to wrap up stories and give my brain a breather, then it's on to Curse of the Crimson Throne! This one is going to be a lulu, I can tell already. Not only is this going to be a primarily Urban campaign, which we haven't done that much before, but we've decided to make this a heavily anime influenced game. Already, with character creation, we've gone overboard with the silliness, and everybody has a manga-worthy backstory.
Can I be any more of a geek? Roleplaying, anime, pizza and sex . . . I'm in fuckin' Nerd Nirvana.
Here's another six-word story:
My bones were broken by words.
Aw hell, one more!
There's no use in giving up.
I've sent my brother my first two installments on how to write comedy. Two big emails and all I've really covered is the importance of carrying around a notepad. I should just buy him a copy of Zen and the Art of Standup Comedy.
bardic knowledge,