Aug 21, 2008 13:53
Had myself a slight realization this morning as I was walking over some train tracks on the way to deliver some lotto tickets to yet one more gas station. I was listening to my iPod, scanning the tickets with my data pad, and a call from my manager came in on the cell phone. Everyday stuff. Except my brain suddenly went back to age 14 and I looked at the situation. I've got a computer playing music in my ears that could link up to a world-wide information network if I asked it to . . . or I could just watch TV on it. I've got another computer, equiped with a laser (!!!) in my hand that interfaces constantly with a Star Trek style communicator that people can use to contact me even when I'm crossing train tracks. And if you really want to blow that 14 year old's mind, I don't have to carry money because I have a card that pays directly from my bank account with a mere scan AND there's porn everywhere.
Where's the genie? I owe him a few thank you's.
This, by the way, doesn't include the miracle of "On Demand" digital cable. Or sex. What a wonderous age we live in!
Gunslinger Girl - This is seriously good anime. Adorable and heart-rending at the same time. I just want to take all these little cyborgs out and buy them ice cream.
Here's a fun game to play around the house or work-place: Change the screen saver on the computer someone else is soon to be working on and see how long it takes them to notice. Of course, the screen saver has to be distinguishable enough from the former one that someone could notice. Ideally, it's best if they end up shouting, "What the . . . What's with the BOOBIES!?!"
Just a note: slideshows of nekkid wimmins work best when the joke's target is female.