Title: A Heart Out of Time, Part Eight
Author: Anne Fairchild
Summary: The past can come back to haunt you...literally. If you’re having trouble figuring out who you really are, ask the one who loves you.
Rating: Part 8: PG-13 I guess
Warnings: Not a one
Word Count: 4147
Beta: Smoochies to
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The wedding occurred to me because they were going to be in England, and same-sex ceremonies are apparently getting to be pretty common over there, so I'm thinking it would especially have occurred to Harry ahead of time. He wants Bob to understand that he thinks of the two of them together permanently, as in forever. And as Hrothbert, Bob had never been wooed, so to speak, so he'd feel very loved at the suggestion.
I enjoyed writing Harry as hesitant and awkward during this. I don't often "tune in" to him that much, but I thought maybe I did with this scene.
The real reason I wrote in the abstinence is that I knew I was going to have to come up with (pardon the expression) a considerable amount of sex for the honeymoon, and I needed to give myself a creative break!
Yep,that's pretty much my reaction when listening to TM sing. His voice never fails to give me the shivers.
Hmm...what Harry picked for Bob to wear... When I post the next chapter, I'll also post the URLs for the web pages, and you'll see. I just warn/ask that people read the chapter first, because otherwise it'll spoil that particular surprise.
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