aziraphaleisagender: ambular-d: aziraphaleisagender: aziraphaleisagender: Fanfic where...

Oct 25, 2019 08:58






Fanfic where Aziraphale meets a pope and they have a Very Heated Argument and Aziraphale is banished from Italy for all of time

Like they literally still have the proclamation or whatever, “DO NOT LET THIS MAN INTO THE VATICAN”, hung on the wall, with a drawing of Aziraphale

Crowley laughs himself sick every time it’s brought up

Aziraphale visits the Vatican anyway multiple times to yell at various popes until there’s about fifty signs warning about him and everyone thinks it’s a joke until he shows up waving a copy of the Dead Sea Scrolls shouting “AND ANOTHER THING-”

I think Aziraphale would actually get along fairly well with Francis. (His predecessor would have been a different story.) Doesn’t matter, though; they can’t keep him out no matter how hard they try.

The last sign is just this defeated little hand-scrawled note that says ‘nm just give him a cup of tea and let him speak his piece he’ll wind down eventually and go away’

I am H O W L I N G at the idea of Aziraphale barging into the Vatican City with Murder on his face and then when he yells enough and meets with the pope the guy just sighs heavily and says, “Would you like some tea, sir?”

“Only if you listen for once when I tell you about your deplorable actions regarding buying up hospitals and banning abortion! You have no right to decree what people do with their bodies! It goes against several of Jesus’ points-” and he goes off on a rant, reciting Bible passages in the original Hebrew and then translating them, while the pope just sits there nodding. Someone is live-streaming it to Youtube. Cardinals are cowering. The tea is getting cold.


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