Bamco put the kibosh on any hope that Vesperia PS3 would come out in the US/Europe - turns out Microsoft paid for exclusivity rights.
So Tales fans, stop yelling at Bamco, start yelling at Microsoft.
パティ「辛くても 泣かないのじゃ」
This is almost the same thing that happened with PS2 Symphonia, incidentally. Nintendo helped finance the localization for GC Symphonia, so Bamco would not have been able to bring out PS2 Symphonia over here unless they completely redid the translation and dubbing and all of that. So just like here, Western Tales fans can only play the inferior version of the game.
Interestingly, staff are oftentimes prohibited from talking about this kind of stuff, which is why they usually give some vague "we're looking into bringing it out but we don't have anymore to say at this time" answer. Hopefully this Junior Community Manager won't get in too much trouble.